Цели урока:
образовательные – развитие социокультурной компетенции через дополнительные знания о спортивной жизни стран изучаемого языка; активизация лексической и грамматической базы у обучаемых по теме «Спорт»; создание условий для применения полученных знаний на практике при работе над межпредметным проектом и его защите;
развивающие – развитие у учащихся навыка самостоятельного добывания знаний и проектирования необходимых изменений для повышения уровня владения языком; совершенствование коммуникативных и речевых навыков через монологическую и диалогическую речь;
воспитательные – повышение интереса к изучению языка и воспитание потребности в его практическом использовании.
Задачи урока: 1.Практиковать языковые навыки. 2.Закрепить речевые образцы и новые слова по теме "Спорт”. 3.Тренировать в употреблении языковых и грамматических структур, в аудировании и чтении с пониманием основного содержания. 4.Совершенствовать у учащихся умения участвовать в коллективных формах работы на основе методики сотрудничества. 5.Использовать межпредметные связи с информатикой и физической культурой.
Оборудование и ТСО: диск с материалами к уроку; карточки с вопросами для подготовки и обсуждения проекта; аттестационные листы; персональные компьютеры; мультимедийный проектор с экраном.
Оформление: презентационные материалы на компьютере; дипломы (most impudent, most interesting, most well-grounded, most elegant); реквизит к выступлению каждой группы учащихся.
Подготовительный этап 1.Формирование групп учащихся с разной степенью владения языком. 2.Разработка учителем вопросов для самостоятельной работы учащихся над проектом (см. Приложение 1). 3.Выбор учащимися формы защиты проекта и распределение ролей в группе. 4.Разработка аттестационных листов (см. Приложение 2).
Этап самостоятельной работы 1.Составление плана проектной работы. 2.Подбор лексических и речевых образцов. 3.Поиск и переработка необходимой информации. 4.Консультирование и контроль со стороны учителя за осуществлением работы над проектом.
Этап защиты проектов 1.Письменный проект (объем – 4 страницы A4). 2.Презентация проекта. 3.Общая дискуссия по теме. 4.Оценивание учащимися своей работы.
Plan 1.Greetings. Goals of the lesson. 2.Warm-up. Task 1. 3.Reading of the texts about races. Task 2. 4.Listening and watching the interview. 5.Projects. Groups 1, 2, 3, 4. Grammar test. Task 3. 6.The Results. Criteria. 7.Listening and watching the film about English Sports. The end of the lesson.
Ход занятия 1. Greetings. T.: Good day, students. I’m glad to tell you that our class will be devoted to our projects "New Kinds of Sport”. I hope you’ll listen to the projects with keen interest as they are promised to be unusual and thrilling. In the end you are to name "most impudent”, "most interesting”, "most well-grounded”, "most elegant” projects.
2. Warm-up. T. (on monitors): Do you know is… (moving slowly) …that basketball was fist played in 1891 in the town of Springfield in America? …that ice-hockey was first played in the 80s of the nineteenth century in Canada? …that tennis as we know it now was first played in 1874 in England? …that chess figures in the old days were of tremendous size? They represented kings, knights in armour, their horses and so on. …that draughts was played in Egypt in the second millennium B.C. …that dominoes reached England via France in 1795. The Eskimo game requires 148 pieces, while in Europe uses only 28. …that scrabble as the crossword game was developed and trade-marked in 1948. …that Marbles were introduced intro Britain by the Romans in the 1st century A.D. Later it became a competitive sport!
Now, students, mark the sports and games with the dates and countries, where it is possible. (The task 1 is being made on the computers).
См. Приложение 3.
Task 1. T.: What kind of sport is not reminded in the table? (chess) St.: (are to fill the table, using the text or by memory).
3. Reading of the texts about races. T.: I suppose you are interested in traditional sports and competitions of the English – speaking countries. You’ll read several short texts and give a tittle to them from the list, one of them is extra. St.: (are to do the exercise) Task 2. См. Приложение 4. T.: Students, don’t forget to put your points into your students’ evaluation cards.
4. Listening and watching the interview. T.: Lately I’ve been to London and met with the famous British sportsman. Who is he? What sport does he do? What is the main idea of his speech? (video – on the large screen, multimedia, a role-play) См. Приложение 5.
5. Projects. T.: At last, it’s the time for your projects, students! I’ll give the floor to Group 1. (presentation of group 1) T.: Now it’s the turn of Group 2. (The official letter to the Olympic Committee of the Winter Olympic Games of 2014 in Sochi) (The teacher and the students are reading the letter on the computers and found some mistakes in it) Task 3. Find and correct the mistakes in the letter (grammar test) См. Приложение 6. T.: Put the points for right answers into your card, please. Now I invite Group 3 to show the project. (The results of the opinion poll, presented in tables, diagrams and charts on the large screen – multimedia) T.: Now we’ll watch the video about the first competitions of the new kind of sports. What is the name of it? Where do the competitions take place? (video of Group 4 on the large screen – multimedia)
6. The Results. T.: All the projects have been presented. And now I want you to discuss the results of the work and to define "most impudent”, "most interesting”, "most well-grounded” and "most elegant” projects according to our criteria which appear on the monitors.
7. Listening and watching the film about English Sports. The end of the lesson. T.: Thank you, students. I’m satisfied with your projects. You’ve got good marks and I think you’ve enjoyed our lesson today. At the end of it I want you have an excursion to Great Britain. (the film about sports in Gr. Britain such as sailing, cricket and rugby (football) on the large screen – multimedia)
The End
Приложение 1 Questions for Preparations of the
Project "The New Kind of Sports”
1. Description 1.1 The name of the sport 1.2 What persons is it for? (age, physical abilities, health, …) 1.3 The kind of sport (summer, winter, risky, team, individual, the year round…) 1.4 The place it can be done 1.5 The necessary equipment 1.6 The rules of this sport
2. The explanation of the advantages of the sport 2.1 The qualities the sport improves 2.2 Is it useful? Pros and Corns
3. Ads (poster, brochure, commercial, …)
Criterion Score Reading Listening to the interview Project
Preparation (self-evaluation)
Content (quality of the materials)
Description of the sport
Explanation of Pros and Corns
accuracy Ads (attractive, colorful, laconic…) Total score The mark
Notes: 3-everything is described excellently 2-some facts are not full explained 1-more than 3 criteria are not highlighted The rate of your mark: 15-21 points not bad 22-27 points good 28-30 points well done
Приложение 3 Warm-up Students, mark the sports and games with the dates and countries, where it is possible
Sports Date Country basketball ice-hockey tennis draughts dominoes scrabble marbles