Цели урока: - Активизация лексико-грамматического
материала в диалогической и
монологической речи учащихся по теме: "Быть
добрым, что это значит?";
- Формирование лингвистической
наблюдательности, самостоятельности,
умений планирования речи, самоконтроля;
- Формирование позитивного отношения к
окружающей действительности (на примере
деятельности матери Терезы).
Сопутствующие задачи: - В области говорения: обучение
антиципации, прогнозированию; обучение
диалогической и монологической речи на
ситуативной основе и посредством
создания ситуаций общения (обмен
информацией, выражение отношения,
предположения. сомнения, согласия,
несогласия). Формирование умения
адекватного выбора и оформления
иноязычной речевой реакции.
- В области чтения: обучение чтению с
целью извлечения конкретной информации:
обучение критическому осмыслению
- В области аудирования: формирование
аудитивного внимания, воображения и логического
- Ознакомление учащихся с деятельностью
матери Терезы и её Ордена.
- Расширение познавательных интересов.
- Развитие способности к выделению разных
сторон явления, их чёткому речевому
Вид урока: обобщающий урок по теме: What
does it mean to be kind?, являющийся теоретическим
этапом подготовки проекта "Значимая
личность". Технология: коммуникативно-развивающая.
Структура урока. 1. Организационный момент - речевая
зарядка, направленная на формирование
умении выражения сомнения, предположения,
собственного отношения. - Постановка проблемы
- Организация групповой работы с целью
активизации лексических единиц,
направленная на формирование умений
выделения разных сторон явления и
обучения логическому построению
высказывания (разноуровневые задания
для каждой группы)
- Коррекционная работа со словарем
2. Основной этап работ по развитию навыков
изучающего чтения и критического мышления. 1. Предтекстовый этап: - просмотр видеосюжета;
- прогнозирование содержания текста с
использованием ключевых слов и
материалов видеосюжета;
- формирование навыков выражения
2. Текстовый этап: - изучающее чтение;
- интерактивная система записи;
- заполнение таблицы с целью полного
извлечения информации (разноуровневые
задания для групп);
3. Послетекстовый этап: - обмен информацией с целью
систематизации и обобщения материала;
- выделение типологических черт значимой
личности на основе видеоматериала,
текста и таблицы;
- подготовка диалогов и полилогов с целью
формирования коммуникативной культуры;
- создание проблемных ситуаций с целью
формирования умений мотивированного
- ролевая игра направленная па
распознавание и формирование речевых
III. Контрольно-диагностический этап: - оценка продвижения учащихся на занятии
с использованием листка контроля и
- инструктаж по выполнению домашнего
Обеспечение урока: - речевой материал {текст "Mother Teresa",
серия диалогов "I'd like to, but...";
- дидактический материал (карточки с
вербальными и функциональными опорами,
ролевые карточки).
Формы организации учебной деятельности:
фронтальная, групповая, парная,
индивидуальная. Оборудование: аудиомагнитофон,
видеомагнитофон. Психологическое сопровождение урока: - создание условий, благоприятствующих
учению (эстетическое оформление кабинета,
оформление дидактического сопровождения,
использование ТСО);
- создание исходных педагогических
условий для достижения учебного эффекта
и организация учебной деятельности в
логической последовательности;
- соответствие обучения академическим и
психологическим особенностям . учащихся;
- учёт особенностей восприятия учебного
материала (включение в процесс слуховых,
зрительных, чувственных анализаторов);
- помощь учащимся в выработке собственной
жизненной позиции.
урока: действия учителя и учеников Mother Teresa is among the most well-known and highly respected woman
in the
world in the latter half of the twentieth century. She was born in 1910
Skopje, Yugoslavia (what is now Macedonia). Her parents were Albanian.
Since her
father was co-owner of a construction firm, her family lived comfortably
she was growing up. In 1928, she suddenly decided to become a nun. On May 24, 1931, she
took the
name of "Teresa" in honour of St. Teresa (her real name was AGNES. In
1929, Mother Teresa was teaching geography at St. Mary's School in
Calcutta. At
the time, the streets were crowded with beggars, lepers, and the
Unwanted children were left to die in the streets or in garbage bins. In 1948, she founded a religious order of nuns in Calcutta. For her
habit she
chose a plain white sari with a blue border and a simple cross pinned to
left shoulder. Mother Teresa focused her efforts on poor children in the
streets, teaching them how to care for themselves. Many of those who
order over the next few years were former students from St. Mary's. Each
nun was
required to devote her life to serving people without accepting any
reward in return. She and her fellow nuns gathered dying Indians off the
of Calcutta and care for them during the days before they died. They
were real
Good Samaritans. Questions on the text - When and where was Mother Teresa born?
- What was her real name?
- What subject was she teaching at St. Mary's School in Calcutta?
- When did she found a religious order?
- What did she begin to do in the mid-1950?
- When did she receive the Nobel Piece Prize?
- What did Mother Teresa organize?
- How many nuns belonged to the Missionary of Charity by 1990?
- What did Mother Teresa look like?
In the mid-1950, Mother Teresa began to help the victims of leprosy.
Indian government gave the Missionaries of Charity a 34-acre of land
near the
city Asansol. Centers to treat lepers, the blind, the disabled, and the
were soon opened worldwide. Mother Teresa also organized schools and
for the poor. In 1979, she received her greatest award, the Nobel Peace Prize.
Teresa accepted all of these awarded on behalf of the poor, using any
money to
fund her centers. By 1990, over 3,000 nuns belonged to the Missionaries
Charity, running centers in 25 countries. In 1988, Mother Teresa sent her Missionary into Russia. In
appearance, Mother
Teresa was tiny and energetic. Her face was quite wrinkled, but her dark
commanded attention, radiating an energy and intelligence that shone
expressing nervousness or impatience. Questions on the text. - When and where was Mother Teresa born?
- What was her real name?
- What subject was she teaching at St. Mary's School in Calcutta?
- When did she found a religious order?
- What did she begin to do in the mid-1950?
- When did she receive the Nobel Piece Prize?
- What did Mother Teresa organize?
- How many nuns belonged to the Missionary of Charity by 1990?
- What did Mother Teresa look like?
Student A. Mr. Smith asked you to persuade your friend to
carry a bag
through customs on board the plane. Mr. Smith explained that a person
would meet
this bag on the arrival and he promised to pay for your favour. Student B. You want to help Mr. Smith because you think that
it is
necessary to'help people. Besides you can get a lot of money for this
favour. Student C. You know that Mr. Smith is not a person you can
rely on
that is why you don't want to carry his bag through customs. Student A. You ask your friend to lend you his car. Student B. You know your friend is not a reliable person.
Besides the
car is very expensive and it belongs to your parents. Student A. You ask your friend to tend you sonic money. You
know that
your friend is a very generous person. Student B. You know that your friend is drug addict and he
will spend
this money on drugs. You don't want to lend him money. Student A. You are a teacher. You want your student to make a
on the system of social welfare. Student B. You don't want to make this report because you arc
busy besides you don't know much about the system of social welfare. Student A. Mr. Smith asked you to persuade your friend to
a bag through customs on board the plane. Mr. Smith explained that a
would meet this bag on the arrival and he promised to pay for your
favour. Student B. You want to help Mr. Smith because you think that
it is
necessary to help people. Besides you can get a lot of money for this
favour. Student C. You know that Mr. Smith is not a person you can
rely on
that is why you don't want to carry his bag through customs.