Цели: развитие навыков
аудирования и просмотрового чтения; введение и закрепление новой лексики по
заданной теме.
Оборудование: записи на доске; магнитофон; словари.
Ход урока
I. Организационный момент
- Today at the lesson you will learn what "bullying" is. You
will listen to the information about a Childline and learn some more new words.
II. Фонетическая разминка
- Let's start with the pronunciation. Open your workbooks at p. 56. In
ex. 1 there is a list of words with the letter "u". Consult a
dictionary and write the words in transcription. Which of the words have a
different sound for the letter "u"? (It's the word
- Now pronounce the words correctly. First repeat them after me.
- Read the words one by one. PI, P2, P3, etc.
III. Речевая разминка
- What is bullying? You will learn it a bit
later. And now look at the photo on p. 102. You see a child in the telephone
box and a man talking over the telephone. What do you think they are talking
about? (/ think/to my mind / in my opinion / as far as I understand...)
- Look at the questions in ex. 35 on p. 102. Try to suppose how to
answer them. Read what a Childline is.
IV. Обучение аудированию
- Listen to a person with whom teenagers share their problems on the
Childline. Check if you were right in your suppositions. Give correct answers
to the questions.
Примерный ответ:
1. Most typical problems for teenagers are conflicts with adults, school
problems and love.
2. Most teenagers use Childline just to have
someone to talk about their problems, a person who will listen to and won't
3. They need the information how to find a doctor, how to give up some
bad habits, how to choose friends, etc.
— There is a Cliildline in Russia. Have you ever phoned there? What did
you ask about? Was it easier after your conversation?
V. Введение новой лексики
— Now we come to the main question. We need to learn some more new
words. Read the definitions in ex. 36 and try to guess the meaning of the
words. Work in pairs. You may use dictionaries.
— So, give your answers. Ask the question: "What's the Russian
P1-P2, P3AP4.
Примерный ответ:
"Abuse" means "ругань". "Threat" means "угроза".
"Threaten" means "угрожать".
"Blackmail" means "шантаж".
"Steal" means "красть". "Pick on" means "выбрать". "Bully" means "задира".
— As you see all these words have a negative meaning.
— Read the text in ex. 37 to know more about such things. Before you
start read the titles given in the exercise. Your task is to match the titles
and the texts. Start reading.
Keys: 1. c; 2. b; 3. a; 4. e; 5. d.
— What new information have you learnt from
the text? Have you ever met such people? What did you do to stop bullying?
— Will you read out the sentences with the
new words? Translate them into Russian.
— Let's have a break. Stand up, please.
VI. Физкультминутка
VII. Активизация лексики
— Read the new words in word combinations to remember them. See ex. 38
on p. 102. Translate them into Russian.
Примерный ответ:
a threat against somebody — угроза кому-то;
a threat of something — угроза чего-то;
under the threat of punishment — под угрозой наказания;
a threatening letter — угрожающее письмо;
to defend somebody — защищать кого-то;
to defend yourself — защищать себя;
to defend someone against/from - защищать кого-то от...
— Use the word combinations in the sentences of your own. Say the
sentence for other pupils to translate.
Примерный ответ:
1. Mary was frightened. She had already received two letters with a
threat against her.
2. They announced about a threat of the earthquake.
3. Nick did everything only under the threat of punishment.
4. Mr Holmes, have you studied that
threatening letter yet?
5. Bob is well-known in our college. He
always defends the youngest.
6. Sometimes little children are unhappy in
their families; they can't defend themselves from the tyrant parents.
7. Children must defend their old parents
against life difficulties.
— I wish you never met such people as bully. But if it happens learn to
behave in a proper way. Ex. 39 will help you. Complete the sentences. Use the
dictionary if you need.
Примерный ответ:
1.1 would defend myself from the bully
(threaten the bully; fight; cry; make fun of the bully).
2.1 could talk
to the bully/to our parents (defend her/him; try to help her/him).
3.1 would defend her/him (try to help; fight;
hate bullying; explain to the bully it's useless bullying).
4.1 would
laugh at him/her (try to change the situation; explain to the bully it's useless bullying; make fun of
the bully).
— At home do this task in writing.
VIII. Подведение итогов урока
— What new words have you learnt today? Can you explain their meanings
in English? What would you do if you were bullied? That is all for today. Thank
you for your work. You may go.
Домашнее задание