Цель урока: Контроль усвоения лексики, контроль
монологической и диалогической речи в рамках указанной темы.
Ход урока
1. Приветствие
Учитель: Good morning, children! Glad to see you!
Дети: Good morning!
Учитель: Take your seats, please.
2. Объявление темы урока
Учитель: Today we are having a revision
lesson on the topic "Clothing & shopping”. We are going to revise
the words
related to the topic, besides, we are going to role-play dialogues, do a
crossword, play different games, sing a song and what not! So we are
going to
have a good time. Are you ready?
Дети: Yes, we are!
3. Warm-up.
Речевая и фонетическая зарядка
Учитель: Let’s get started. Do you remember
any proverbs about clothes? Look around and find the parts of the 3
proverbs (дети находят части 3
пословиц, которые расположены в разных местах класса и прикрепляют их на
магнитную доску). 1. It’s not| a gay coat| that makes the
gentleman| 2. Clothes| make the man. 3. That’s another | pair of shoes.
Read the 1st proverb, please (ученик
читает). Let’s pronounce it in chorus (обращаем внимание
на звук [t]). Give us the Russian equivalent, please.
Read the 2nd proverb, please.
And now in chorus! (обращаем внимание на звук [ð]). Translate it into
Russian, please.
Which proverb is right? What do you think? (ученики
высказывают свое мнение и обосновывают свой выбор).
Read the 3rd proverb, please.
4. Разгадываем кроссворд со словами по теме
Учитель: And now let’s do a crossword. All
the words are on the topic "Clothing” Please, N come up to the
blackboard. You are
to write down the words, we’ll guess. The task for the rest is the
I’ll give you out cards with the words. Do not read the word aloud, try
explain its meaning in your own words. Is it clear?
So, who has got number 1?
Ученик: Me.
Учитель: Explain the meaning of the word so
that the other pupils could guess it.
Ученик 1: You wear this thing when it’s
cold. You wear it on your neck. What is it?
Дети отгадывают.
Ученик, который стоит у доски, записывает это слово.
Ученик 2: You wear them on your feet. What
are they? И т.д.
Дефиниции дают 8 учеников, остальные – отгадывают. В
результате получается слово «Shopping».
Учитель: Well done, kids! Look at the
blackboard and read the word in the red box: "shopping”.
That’s what we are going to do now. Here are 3 shops.
5. Покупки в магазине
Учитель достает 3 таблички: "Pet shop”, "Shoes and Boots”, "Clothes”.
M, you are a shop-assistant at the pet
F, you are a shop-assistant at the shop
"Shoes & Boots”.
D, you are a shop-assistant at the shop
N, B, T – you are customers.
N, you are a pet lover and you’ve got many
pets. Buy a new pet.
B, buy new shoes.
D, change a sweater (it’s too big for you).
I give you two minutes to get ready. Work in pairs, please.
Пока 6 человек готовятся разыгрывать диалоги, остальные
играют в игру «The Champion Game».
Дети выстраиваются в шеренгу и называют слова по теме «Одежда».
Назвавший слово
правильно, убегает в конец шеренги. Если ученик затрудняется назвать
слово, он
садится на место. Выигрывает последний оставшийся. (Слова повторять
"Let’s play "The Champion Game” Name the
words on the topic "Clothing” Line up, please. Is the task clear?
Remember, you
must not repeat the words, so be attentive and listen to each other.
Well done! N – is the champion/
And now let’s go shopping. We are at a pet shop (Диалог для сильных
учеников – он не имеет
диалога-аналога в учебнике).
Диалог № 1 Примерный диалог учеников:
- Good morning! Can I help you?
- Good morning! I’d like to buy a new pet.
- What pet would you like?
- Well, let me see. I’ve got a hamster, a
tortoise and a guinea pig. I’ve got a big aquarium with different fish
- Maybe a cat or a dog then?
- I’ve got a dog and a cat.
- Have you got a parrot?
- No, I haven’t. But I’d love to. That’s a
good idea!
- We’ve got a very clever parrot. His name
is Chatterbox. He can talk.
- Can he? That’s great! What does he eat?
- Seeds, fruit and vegetables. He drinks
water. He loves grass and leaves too.
- I’ll buy the parrot. Good bye.
- Good bye. Take good care of your pet.
Диалог №2
"Buying shoes”
Диалог для средних учащихся, он основан на диалоге-модели.
- Hello! Can I help you?
- Hello! I’d like a pair of shoes, please.
- What colour would you like?
- Brown.
- And what size do you want?
- Five. Can I try them on?
- Of course.
- They fit well. I’ll buy them. How much
are they?
- 80$
- Here you are.
- Thanks. You are welcome.
Диалог №3.
Диалог для слабых учеников. Он целиком основан на модели. Ex. 6 p.
6. Динамическая пауза: песня «The Kittens’ Clothes»
Jeans and trousers, Sweaters and shirts, Socks and tights, And
jackets and skirts. T-shirts, shoes, High boots and mittens, These
are clothes Of the kittens.
7. Описание одежды моделей с использованием видеомагнитофона
And now we are at а
catwalk. You’ll watch models. What are they wearing? What colour are
(Демонстрируется видеоролик, в котором учащиеся 3 класса
показывают модели одежды)
Р1 – She is wearing grey shorts, a pink T-shirt,
a yellow cap and brown sandals.
P2 – She is wearing a pink hat, a yellow
coat, brown gloves, brown trousers and black high boots. She is wearing a
P3 – She is wearing a nice party dress.
It’s yellow. She is wearing yellow shoes.
P4 – She is wearing a pink blouse and a
grey skirt. She has got white tights and pink shoes.
P5 – He is wearing a school uniform. Dark
trousers, a white shirt, a blue vest with the emblem of our school.
8. Домашнее задание
And now put down your homework:
You are supposed to write a composition on
the topic "Clothing” from 12 to 15 sentences (план сочинения записан на
9. Подведение итогов, выставление оценок за урок
Wordlist on the topic "Clothes”
1. cap
2. hat
3. shoes
4. boots
5. gloves
6. mittens
7. jeans
8. sweater
9. trousers
10. jacket
11. shorts
12. shirt
13. coat
14. blouse
15. skirt
16. socks
17. tights
18. T-shirt
19. high boots
20. overcoat
21. raincoat
22. stockings
Дополнительная лексика:
1) a vest (a waistcoat)
2) emblem
3) sweat suit – спортивный костюм
4) suit
5) a party dress
6) sandals
7) trainers = sneakers
8) costume
9) school uniform
10) kerchief
Выражения: put on, take off, try on, wear,
it suits you, it doesn’t suit you;
The sweater goes well with the trousers.