Образовательная цель: • Развитие монологической речи • Активизация употребления лексики по теме. Воспитательная цель: • Выяснение проблем окружающей среды. • Определение задач по их решению. • Привлечение учащихся к участию в акциях по охране окружающей среды. Развивающая цель: • Развитие познавательной активности. • Обратить внимание учащихся на острую необходимость решения проблем загрязнения. • Активизировать творческую деятельность учащихся в процессе работы над созданием проекта. • Совершенствовать навыки диагностической речи, монологического высказывания. • Развивать чувство красивого посредством поэзии и прослушивания музыкальных произведений П.И.Чайковского. ХОД УРОКА 1. Мобилизующее начало урока: а) приветствие б) постановка целей и задач урока 2. Под музыку Дж. Леннона ученица декламирует стихотворение "Imagine”. Ведущий:
Suppose you get out of your house on an early sunny April day and see…
What is it? It is a yellow dandelion. It looks at you from the ground
and says "Protect me, please”. A great number of people all over the
world are taking part in the policy of controlling the atmosphere, the
water, and the climatic changes, because of man’s interference in
nature. These problems are the subject of our meeting today. The
speakers are Lena and Denis. 3. Доклад ”The Protection of nature”
представляется двумя учащимися. После выступления каждого учащиеся
задают вопросы докладчику. Ведущий: Have you got any questions?… Прения:
1) Millions of cars and smoky factories pollute and spoil the air we
breathe in. pollution is handing oven big cities like an ugly brown
cloud. It is hurting our lugs as well as the life of animals, birds and
plants. Cars are the biggest air polluters. But scientists are trying to invent car that pollute less.
2) Radiation has become one of the main problems. Many people died from
radiation in Chernobol. It was a great tragedy. People build nuclear
stations and carry out nuclear tests. As a result, radiation represents
one of the main problems nowadays. But some countries such as
Schwitzerland and Austria stopped building nuclear power stations.
3) Water Pollution. It is not a secret that the largest rivers of our
region Irtish and Om are polluted very much. Often, companies don’t know
what to do with waste materials of industry, so they pour them into
water. They pollute the water we drink, and the land we live in.
Mercury can get into Irtish from Semipalatinsk. It is a real danger. But
some countries build plants with a closed – loop recycling system. They
don’t have any waste water because every time it is reused. It is the
way to solve this problem. Every year the World Ocean gets about
25-30 miln tones of harmful substances. The ways of their getting into
the water are different: 23% from different ships 28% from river waters 17% from loading of sea ships 16% from industrial water 10% from acid rains 5% from oil ships accidents 1% from oil boring
4) Acid rains. When the sulfates mix with clouds, acid rain falls and
harms lakes, rivers and planets. Also, the wind blows the air around.
So, sulfates from one place can fall as acid rain many miles away. Our
clothes become dirty, trees, plants die. Acid rains fall in Omsk region
not very seldom. And we can see yellow parks, grass in the middle of
summer. (Рисунок). 4. Опрос учащихся о проблемах экологии в ВКО и путях их решения. Ученица: Do you know the English equivalents of these Russian expressions? - проблемы окружающей среды – environmental problems - экологическая катастрофа - environmental disaster - экологическая безопасность - environmental safety - акции в защиту окружающей среды - environmental actions - защита определенной среды - environmental protection - экологическая система - environmental system Ведущий: 5. The list of serious environmental problems could be continued. What should be done: We should… 1) to lower harmful substances in the air? 1) invent new types of cars, find out ways to make cool burn more clearly 2) to stop the danger of environmental disaster? 2) attract more public attention to environmental problems.
3) to attract more public attention to environmental problems? 3) take
part in the environmental actions, there are many organizations which
have worked out hundreds of projects to protect nature, for example.
State "Commitlee for Environmental Control”, "Travels for Peace &
Nature”, etc. 4) to keep the streets of towns tidy and Clean? 4) put litter in the big, plant trees and flowers.
5) to solve the problem of communal waste in towns? 5) clean streets
and yards regularly, use less packaging, build recycling factories and
recycle wastes. 6. Ведущий: So, in spite of everything, we believe
that the Earl is our common home. All its inhabitants – people, animals
and birds-need to live in peace and harmony. Let’s adopt the result of
our meeting. Плакаты I. Say "no”: 1) different wars 2) Battles against wildlife 3) Ignorant using of natural resources 4) everything that threatens the Earth biosphere, threatens people, threatens each person. II. We say "yes” 1) Peaceful life 2) Love and responsibility for wildlife 3) New biological ways of agricultural development 4) New sating every technological method0 5) Science and wisdom 6) Ecological culture ІІІ .We should: 1) Pick up litter 2) Use less paper, less packaging 3) Buy milk or juice in cartons, not in plastic bottles 4) Help communal workers keep Tavricheskoye tidy 5) Leave the places of our rest clean 6) Plant trees, flowers 7) Participate in the work of public organization "For the Protection of Nature”. 7. Учащиеся выходят с плакатами, зачитывают: 1) Keep the environment clean! 2) Avert the danger of environmental disaster! 3) Protect the environmental from industrial pollution! 4) Keep the land, air and water clean! 5) Save energy! 6) Pick up litter! 7) Recycle! 8) Save water!
8. Ведущий: Let’s work with ecological test (Базанова Е.М. тексты по
английскому языку. 10- 11 кл.: Учебно- метод. Пособие. М.: Дрофа,
2001.192 с.). 9. Учитель: I’m quite satisfied with your work today. And give you your excellent marks. Thank you. 10. Домашнее задание: