Aims and objectives:
• assessing students' skills
Equipment: writing paper, handouts
I. Warming-up
The teacher may either use the warming-up activities desrcibed earlier
or invent the ones of his / her own.
II. Main part
1. Identifying Sentences
Read these sentences carefully. Some are fragments, some are run-on
sentences and others are complete sentences. Mark each sentence F = fragment
RO = run-on and CS = complete sentence. Correct the fragments and the run-on
Michael is looking for a second job he needs to earn more. — RO Michael
is looking for a second job because he needs to earn more, or
Michael needs money; therefore he is looking for a second job.
1) Irma wants to quit her job she's going to have a baby soon.
2) George is taking a math class because many jobs require basic math
3) Because Ismael knows how to use a word processor.
4) Is a good major because there are many jobs in that field now.
The following questions cannot be asked during a job interview in the
United States.
1) What is your religion?
2) Have you ever been arrested?
3) Are you married?
4) Do you have children? Do you plan to have children?
III. Summarys
IV. Homework
Answer the interview questions about yourself.
5) Bilingual people have more job opportunities in most cities those
people earn more too.
6) Early Childhood Education is a popular major among ESL students.
7) The Hotel, Restaurant, and Culinary Program is excellent many
students want to enroll.
8) Ludmila doesn't want to study accounting she wants to study marine
2. Application Vocabulary
1) Read these adjectives. Which ones best describe you to a potential
employer? Check each word that describes you and write one reason why it does.
Example: V dependable — I always complete my work.
• calm under pressure
• good with details
• creative
• hardworking
• dependable
• organized
• efficient
• prompt
• friendly
• responsible
• good with numbers
• skilled
• other_
2) Now look at these verbs. Which have you done or can do? Example: V
organized — I organized a soccer team in school.
• coordinated
• managed
• created
• organized
• led
• other_
3. Preparing for an Interview (Writing / Vocabulary)
During an interview, the interviewer may ask you to describe your
strengths and weaknesses. This is difficult to do, especially when you must
list your weaknesses. You have to say something, but you don't want to sound
like a bad employee. You can say something like, "People say I am a
workaholic". (The company may love to have such a hard worker!) Another
possible response is, "My coworkers and friends say I am too serious about
my work because I always talk about it when I am at home. I always try to think
of ways to do my job better".
Of course, you should always tell the truth about yourself, but this is
not the time to be shy or modest.
Prepare yourself for an interview. Write down two or three of your
strengths and one weakness. Be sure to give examples and explanations if
• My strengths:
• My weaknesses:
4. Speaking
Step 8: Interview your applicants. You can do this in groups, or the
whole class can observe each group interview. Then, have a short company
meeting to decide who to hire. Announce whom you have hired and why.
5. Story (Structure)
Read the story about Kim Tae Sam. In the blank spaces, write words that help
to tell the story.
You can use these words: and, but, so, or, however, because, therefore,
when, after, before, and although.
Kim Tae Sam was born in a farming village in Chollado, South Korea.
_ he was small, he used to help his parents plant rice in the field. He
was a good student, his parents sent him to school in Kwangju, a large city. He
would visit his parents' village on school vacations. The rest of
the year he remained in the city to study. Tae Sam studied hard_did well
on the entrance examination for university. He attended a university in
Seoul, far from his family. He only visited them in summer. During winter
break, he studied English at a language school in Seoul.
Tae Sam chose to study computer science. He knew that there were many
opportunities in this field_it was a new field. Tae Sam graduated from the
university. His parents made the trip to Seoul to attend the graduation. They
had never been to Seoul before. They felt uncomfortable. _the graduation, they
went straight home. Tae Sam stayed
in Seoul to look for a job. He got a job with an American company_he
could speak English and he knew computers well.
_he had worked two
years in Seoul, the company sent him to New
York to work in its headquarters there. Tae Sam was happy to have the
уроки англійської мови. 9 клас
chance to travel,_he was sad_he would be very far away from
home. In New York, Tae Sam met a Korean-American woman, Oh Hae Ja. They
fell in love. Hae Ja was a teacher,_her work was very important to her. Tae
Sam loved her._she was not really like women in
Korea,_she spoke Korean well.
Tae Sam's company was not doing well. They told him he had to return to
Korea within six months. He asked Hae Ja to go back with
him. She would not go._, Tae Sam quit the company._he quit, he
had to tell his parents that he would not return to Korea. They were
very upset. Then he used his savings to buy a small convenience store.
_ he did that, he and Hae Ja made plans to marry. Tae Sam worked seven
days a week, twenty hours a day in the store. One day Tae Sam
realized that his life had changed. He was always tired,_he could not
think of anything but his store. What had happened to his career?
III. Summary
IV. Homework
Informal Letter Writing
Imagine that you are Tae Sam. You have to write a letter to your parents
in Korea to explain why you have decided to stay in the United States. Write
the letter.
August 1, 2009
Dear Mother and Father,
• • •
Love, Tae Sam