Цели: контроль
употребления новой лексики; развитие навыков письменной речи.
Оборудование: записи на
доске; карточки; словари.
Ход урока
I. Организационный момент
— Today you will learn to create your own stories about bullying. But at
the beginning of the lesson you will write a test to check if you know the new
II. Фонетическая разминка
— Let's revise them first. Remind me any
tongue twister you like. Come to the blackboard and make all the pupils revise
К доске выходят по очереди
2-3 ученика, которые выступят в роли учителя. Учитель может подготовить заранее
карточки с опорами.
III. Повторение лексики
— I would
like you to repeat the new words. Open your workbooks at p. 57. In ex. 4 you see the
sentences in Russian. Your task is to translate them. Work in pairs. Use the
dictionaries if you need.
Примерный ответ:
1. John received an abusing anonymous letter and he was upset and
2. Bullies always pick on the people who
can't defend themselves.
3. Teenagers feel much abused if the classmates give them nick names.
4. Teachers and pupils should prevent
stealing, threatening and blackmail at school.
— Well, I see that you have prepared for the
lesson very well.
IV. Проверочная работа
— I would like to know if you can use the new words. Take the cards on
your desks. Now you will write the test. Read the tasks attentively. Ask me
questions if you have any. Start writing.
На карточках:
I. Read the words in transcription and write
them in letters,
[atjuis] [Bret] [sti:l] ['eretn]
[di'fend] [Ъгш] [Tjlajkmeil] ['pik'on]
II. Use the words from the first task and
complete the sentences. Translate them into Russian.
1. If my younger sister were... I would...
2. Don't... me, I'm not afraid of you.
3. Did he... you again?
4. It is very bad to... other people's money or things.
5. ...is unkind, cruel or rude words or
6. ...is practice of getting something by threatening.
Keys: I. abuse, defend, threat, bully, steal,
blackmail, threaten, pick on.
П. 1. Bullied, defend. Если бы
мою младшую сестру унижали, я бы защитил ее. 2. Threaten. Не угрожай мне, я тебя не боюсь. 3. Pick on. Он
снова выбрал тебя? 4. Steal. Очень
плохо красть деньги или вещи других людей. 5. Abuse. Ругань — это недобрые, жестокие или грубые слова или
поступки. 6. Blackmail. Шантаж -это умение
добиваться чего-то угрозами.
— Hand in your papers. Have a rest now.
Stand up, please.
V. Физкультминутка
VI. Обучение письму
— Last time we read and discussed the text about bullying. It's time for
you to try yourselves as writers. We are going to write a story about anyone
who has been bullied. It may be an invented story or a story from a book or a
film. Think how to start and finish the story. Use the appropriate liriking
Запись на доске: first, then, after that,
eventually, though, however, but, finally.
Примерный рассказ: . One day we had a Maths lesson. The teacher was
late so we were doing everything we could. Girls were laughing and looking
through the magazines. Boys were discussing some problems. Then Bob came into
the classroom. He came up to Nelly and started making fun of her. Poor Nelly
was ashamed, she got even red. Bob abused her and started to throw her things
away. Suddenly Nelly's brother came in and asked Bob to come out of the
classroom. We couldn't hear their talk, but we understood that Bob would never
bully again.
— Hand in your papers. Write down your
VII. Подведение итогов урока
— Was it difficult to write a story? Why?
Would you like to be a writer? That's all for today. The lesson is over, you
may be free.