Загадки, ответ к которым зашифрован, незаменимы
для фронтальной работы с учащимися. Такой подход
не только увлекает детей, но и отчасти, снимает
психологическое напряжение на уроке.
- You won’t quarrel, won’t scold
If you do not spill any (salt) - I think it’s difficult to imagine
That round, long and purple (auberigine). - This juicy fruit is not so rare.
All children like ripe, yellow (pear). - When the weather becomes hotter
You can drink a lot of (water). - You must bring some meat from shop
To cook a fresh delicious (chop). - English mother would be worried
If her son did not eat (porridge). - It’s often served with slice of lemon.
This tasty fish is reddish (salmon). - Every dish you’re ever had
Would be tasty with some (bread). - This juicy vegetable is not potato.
It’s red and round. This is (tomato). - You will cook delicious dish
If you take some good fresh (fish).