Цели: развитие навыков
диалогической речи; совершенствование произносительных навыков.
Оборудование: записи на
доске; магнитофон.
Ход урока
I. Организационный момент
- Today we have another problem to discuss. Before people become
successful they live an ordinary life with their relatives and friends. If
their relationships are good it is easier for them to be a success.
II. Фонетическая разминка
- Let's start with pronunciation. Open your books at p. 98. Listen to
the words in ex. 17 and learn to pronounce them correctly.
- Now read the words yourselves in a chain.
PI, P2, P3, etc.
III. Речевая разминка
— As we are going to speak about a family name the words connected with
it. They may be nouns, verbs, adverbs
and adjectives.
Когда дети называют слова,
учитель записывает их на доске вразброс. Например: mother, father, friendly,
love, large.
— Use the words from the blackboard and make
up your word combinations.
IV. Развитие речи
— Read the words that characterize families. See ex. 14 on p. 98. Do you
understand all of them? Look at the photos. Describe these families using the
given word combinations. Don't name the letter of the photo. Let your
classmates guess.
Примерный ответ:
Photo A — As for me, I think (as I see it)
the family in this photo is loving, close and caring. The parents take care of
their children. The children treat their parents with respect. In my opinion,
they have fair and sensible rules at home. I'm sure, the parents never shout at
their children or make fun of them. The members of this family do things
Photo В — As for me, I think (as I
see it) the family in this photo is loving and caring. But unfortunately they
have no children. They are lonely. Nevertheless they have some traditions and
do things together.
Photo С — As for me, I think (as I
see it) the family in this photo is friendly, loving and caring. I'm sure, they
have a lot of children and grandchildren who treat them with respect. The old
people can rely on their children. I think they are proud of the family.
— Very good. And what do you think they are talking about? Role play
imaginary dialogues.
Варианты диалогов:
— You know, our teacher will take us to the British Museum next Monday.
— Really? What is he going to show you?
— He said that would be a surprise. Besides, he added that we could take
our sisters or brothers.
— Well, that sounds great. Take your camera to show us the surprise
— OK. B:
— Well, honey, don't be so serious. You know
I can't fly with you this time. We have too much work to do in the office.
— I know, but I can't imagine the holiday without you.
— Well, next time I'll find time to be with
you, I promise.
— What a lovely grandson we have!
— Yes, you're right, Robert. Bobby is so
nice. When he grows he will become an architect like his grandpa.
— Maybe, but I think he will be a doctor like
his granny.
— We'll see, we'll see.
— Before we continue let's have a rest. Stand
up, class.
V. Физкультминутка
VI. Обучение аудированию
— It was interesting to listen to your dialogues. Now you listen to the
tape. Match the dialogues and the pictures. See ex. 16 on p. 98. Report your
Keys: dialogue 1 — photo C; dialogue 2 —
photo A; dialogue 3 — photo B.
— Do you think the children are happy in
these families? Will they have a success in their future life?
— What about your family? Are you friendly?
Describe your family using the expressions from ex. 14 on p. 98.
— Are children always happy in their
families? Do they have any problems? Let's discuss them. Look through ex. 18 on
p. 99. Choose the five biggest problems which teenagers usually have in their
families. Compare your answers in pairs. Report to the class. (We decided that
the most serious problems are...)
— Have you got such problems? What do you do
to solve them?
— At home continue working on the theme; do
some tasks in writing.
VII. Подведение итогов урока
— Why do you think our theme is "Family
Is a Good Start"? How is it connected with a success? The lesson is over.
Your marks today are...
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