• to improve students' skills for listening and comprehension
• to practise prediction as a reading skills
• to develop speaking skills of students through the methods of
interactive activities
• to foster students' spoken habits Warm up
What kind of music do Americans play, sing, listen to and compose?
Introducing the Topic
face the music — to receive punishment; to accept the unpleasant result
of one's actions.
make chin music — to talk or chatter. (Slang)
Fill in the idioms in the gaps.
1. We sat around all evening... (making chin music).
2. Mary broke dining room window and had to... (face the music) when her
father got home.
3. After failing a math test, Tom had to go home and... (face the
4. You were ... (making chin music) when you should have been listening.
A) Listen to the text and answer the questions.
Since the United States were settled largely by Europeans, it is not
surprising that classical music and folk-songs were brought over from the
continent. Beethoven, Brahms, Debussy, Tchaikovsky, Bach, Mozart and\erdi are
but a few names of the European composers often seen on orchestra or opera
programs. Scottish and Irish ballads, German folk-songs have been sung in
America by so many generations and so often that many Americans do not even
know that these songs are of foreign origin. However, Americans produced its
own music.
By far the greatest contribution to American music has been made by the
Negroes on the south. The Negro songs are now part on the nation's most precious
musical heritage.
Perhaps the Negro's greatest contribution to American music has been
jazz. After the Civil War some of the brass instruments of the Confederate military
bands fell into the hands of the Negroes, and the result was all kind of
rhythmical and melodic experiments. Thus, jazz was bom. Such composers as Aaron
Copland, and George Gershwin in America and Stravinsky, Ravel and Milhaud in
Europe have been influenced by American jazz.
Thirty years after jazz another kind of popular music appeared — big
beat (big rhythm). In 1954 the disc jockey Alan Freed started to broadcast the
Negro rhythm-and-blues records. He called this music rock-'n'-roll after an old
blues "My Baby Rocks Me in a Steady Roll". White musicians began to
imitate this music. The big white stars were Elvis Presley and ChuckBerry.
Rock-'n'-roll conquered Europe. Among the imitators of Chuck Berry was a group
from Liverpool called themselves "The Beatles".
American "pop" music abounds in different trends and styles,
but Americans have varied musical interests and at least 25 per cent are
devotees of clas sical music. Boston, Philadelphia and San Francisco symphony
orchestras are famous all over the world.
1. What music has been sung in America?
2. What musical traditions has American music assimilated?
3. Who's made the greatest contribution to the development of American
4. How did jazz emerge?
5. When did rock- 'n' -roll appear on the musical scene?
6. Do many people in America like classical music?
7. Are Boston, Philadelphia and San Francisco symphony orchestras famous
all over the world?
B) Retell the text in chain. Reading
Pre-reading task
Try to guess if these sentences true or false and after reading the text
check your predictions.
1. Africans were taken to America as slaves. (7)
2. Their music was very slow. (F)
3. This music sounded different from European music. (7)
4. Black people sang their songs in groups. (T)
5. Black music continues to supply the impetus for new pop styles. (T)
The word "jazz" has a disputed history. New Orleans, Chicago
and San Francisco all claim to be its birthplace. In the first two decades of
the 20th century, the jazz was a three-step dance done to the four-beat rhythm
of ragtime. Very shortly the word was transferred to the music to which the
"jazz' danced. The dance soon vanished, but the music and the word, of
course, survived. Most often the origin of the word is connected with some
proper name.
When Americans were taken to the New World as slaves they took their
traditions and also their music with them. Their music was very rhythmical and
sounded very different from the music Europeans and Americans were used to,
especially because of its complex harmonic pattern.
Black people sang their songs in groups, when they were at work in the
fields or when they went to church. When they learnt to play musical instruments
their songs were transformed into music and complex currents of jazz started:
Dixieland, swing, be-pop, cool and free jazz. Jazz players and singers such as
Louis Armstrong, Duke Ellington, Bessie Smith, Charlie Parker entered the
history of music and became famous all over the world.
Black music continues to supply the impetus for new pop styles such as
rap, hip hop, reggae ands house music. The '50s music that led us to the Twist
in the '60s,
Work in groups
A) Read the script on the Negro folk song of sorrow.
Nobody knows but Jesus; Nobody knows the trouble I see Glory,
Sometimes I'm up; sometimes I'm down; Oh, yes, Lord!
Sometimes I'm almost to the ground Oh, yes, Lord!
Altho' you see me goin' long so Oh, yes, Lord! I have my trials here
below, Oh, yes, Lord!
Oh, nobody knows the trouble. I see. Nobody knows but Jesus; Nobody
knows the trouble, I see, Glory, Hallelujah!
B) Answer the following questions about the song.
Why do you think this person is calling out to Jesus?
Give another word for "but".
Put in another way "Sometimes I'm up; sometimes
I'm down".
What does the above line tell you about the person?
"To de groun" corresponds to "to the
ground" in the correct EngUsh. What does he / she mean?
Work in pairs
A) Read and practice the following pattern-conversation.
Вулов. К сожалению, я очень мало знаю про американскую музику. Но я считаю,
американцы очень любят музыку, не так ли?
I'm sorry to say bit I know very little about American music. But I think
Americans seem to be great music lovers, isn't it?
Mark Archibald. Oh, yes, you're right.
вы правы.
Вулов. Многие американцы любят классическую музыку?
Are many Americans fond of classical music?
Mark Archibald. Music critics say at least 25 per cent of Americans are devotees of classical music. We have good
symphony orchestras in Boston, Philadelphia and New York, of course.
критики доказывают, что по меньшей мере 25 % американцев любят классическую музыку.
У нас есть хорошие симфонические оркестры в Бостоне, Филадельфии,
Сан-Франциско и в Нью-Йорке,конечно.
Вулов. Какие композиторы наиболее популярны в США?
Which composers are popular in the USA?
Mark Archibald. Since we 're a young nation it's not surprising that the
most of the composers that enjoy popularity in America are Europeans —
Beethoven, Brahms, Debussy, Tchaikovsky, Bach,
Mozart, Verdi and others. Among American composers the most famous are George
Gershwin, Aaron Copland, Richard Rodgers and Arthur Schwartz.
наша страна сравнительно молодая, большенство композиторов, которые пользуются
популярностью, — европейцы. Это Бетховен, Дебюсси, Чайковский, Бах, Моцарт,
Верди та другие. Среди американских композиторов наиболее изместны Джордж
Гершвин, Арон Копланд, Ричард Роджерс и Артур Шварц.
Act as an interpreter.
M-p Вулов. Мистер Арчибальд, я слышал, что американская
молодежь любит народные песни.
Mr. Archibald. Yes, some are keen on folk songs and some on the
so-called "pop" songs.
M-p В у л о в. Но они такие разные!
Mr. Archibald. I didn't mean to say that they are the same things. What
I meant is that both folk and "pop" songs are part and parcel of the
Ufe of American youth.
M-p В у л о в. Какие же песни все же больше всего
привлекают молодежь?
Mr. Archibald. It's hard to say. Tastes differ. I know that in recent
time there has been increased interest in collecting and recording folk songs
from remote regions. There are a great many folk song amateur singers among students.
M-p В у л о в. Интересно, а пользуется ли джаз такой же
популярностью сегодня, как это было в тридцатых-сороковых годах?
Mr. Archibald. I wouldn't say it enjoys as a great popularity as it did
in the forties.
M-p В у л о в. Когда в США впервые появилась джазовая
Mr. Archibald. It appeared in the period following the Civil War. After
the war some of the brass instruments of the Confederate military bands fell
onto the hands of the Negroes. They started playing their native songs and
spirituals. That was the beginning of jazz.
M-p В у л о в.Очень интересно! Благодарю за интересный
Suggestions for interpreting
both folk and "pop" songs are part and
parcel of the Ufe of American youth — неотьемлемая часть жизни
американской молодежи
remote regions — отдаленные районы
amateur singers — певцы-аматори
C) 1. Ask your friend the appropriate questions in order to complete the
Favourite US singer:
Date of birth:
Place of birth:
Kind of music:
First hit:
Latest record:
Seen live on:
Seen live at: 2. Write the questions out in full: a) b) c) d) e)
Write a composition about your favourite American pop / rock singer /