Цель: развитие навыков
письменной речи: обучение стратегии написания поздравительной открытки.
Оборудование: записи на
Ход урока
I. Организационный момент
- Today you will learn to write a postcard.
II. Фонетическая разминка
— We begin with pronunciation. Let's revise the tongue twister you have
learnt. Remind me any tongue twister you like. Come to the blackboard and make
all the pupils revise it.
К доске выходят 2—3
ученика по очереди, которые выступят в роли учителя. Учитель может подготовить
заранее карточки с опорами. Например:
Repeat after me, please.
Recite the tongue twister slowly.
Recite it in a natural manner.
Recite the tongue twister as quickly as you
III. Речевая разминка
— Exchange your homework papers. Read each other's stories about family
traditions. Say what you have learnt about your partner's traditions.
Примерный рассказ:
Every year they celebrate New Year's Eve. It
is celebrated on the 31st of December. The story started at 10 o'clock in
evening. Preparing for the holiday mother suddenly understood that she hadn't
bought the Champaign. She made their father go shopping. Poor dad was looking
for the Champaign and returned only at 12 o'clock. Fortunately he was in time.
On that day they invited close friends and relatives. One of their guests took
a picture of father's tired face at that moment. Two years later they were
looking through the photos and found that one with father's face. They were
laughing at him for a long time. The traditional food for that holiday is
different salads, pelmeni and Champaign.
IV. Подготовка письменного высказывания
— As I have told you we are going to write a postcard. But first you
must learn how to express congratulations. Ex. 56 on p. 106 will help you.
Match the holidays and congratulations.
Keys: 1. c), f); 2. d); 3. g); 4. e); 5. b); 6.
— Read an example of the postcard in ex. 57.
Who congratulates Ann? (Tracey and John congratulate Ann ?)
— What hoUday do they congratulate her with? (They congratulate her with
Christmas and New Year.)
— What is the letter's layout? (In the first line you write an appeal to
your friend or relative. Then you must write your wishes for the holiday. And
then you finish the postcard.)
V. Физкульминутка
VI. Обучение письму
— Study the strategies below the postcard. Is everything clear?
- Learn to write your own postcard. See ex. 58, p. 106. Put the given
sentences in the correct order. Present your postcard to the class.
Примерный текст открытки: Dear Alice,
On behalf of all of us we wish you a very
happy birthday. Let all your wishes come true. Love,
Pamela and Andy
- It's time for you to create your own postcard. Study the task to ex. 59
on p. 106. Start writing the postcard. You may write more than one letter if
you have time.
- Hand in your postcards. Примерный текст открытки: Dear Polly,
Happy Birthday to you, and many happy returns
of the day! I wish you all the very best. Let all your wishes come true. Best
wishes, .Ann.
- That is all for today. Write down your homework.
VII. Подведение итогов урока
- Is it difficult to write postcards? How often do you do it? Do you try
to congratulate all your friends and relatives with different holidays? Thank
you for your work. The lesson is over. See you later.
Домашнее задание
Написать поздравительную