Оборудование урока: карточки с ключевыми словами для составления диалогов, карточки с грамматическими заданиями.
Аппаратное обеспечение: компьютер, интернет, проектор, экран.
Программное обеспечение: Microsoft Word, Microsoft Power Point.
Используемые ЦОР:
- www.openclass.ru/lessons/54797,
- www.native-english.ru/grammar/presperfcon,
- www.amberstar.lt/
- мультимедийная презентация «English Tenses».
Используемый УМК: «Enjoy English» для 7 класса М.З. Биболетова.
Цели урока: ознакомить с Present Perfect Continuous Tense.
Задачи урока:
- Образовательные: способствовать формированию
грамматических навыков сравнения и употребления времен Present Simple,
Present Continuous, Present Perfect, Present Perfect Continuous;
- Воспитательные: учить учащихся проявлять интерес к стране изучаемого языка; повышать мотивацию к изучению английского языка;
- Развивающие: развивать навыки аудирования;
диалогической речи и монологического высказывания по теме; развитие
лексических и грамматических навыков.
Ход урока
I. Организационный этап урока:
Teacher: Hello, everybody! I am glad to see you.
Pupils: We are glad to see you, too.
Teacher: Sit down, please.
Pupils: I am sitting down.
I have sat down.
I am sitting.
Teacher: The subject of our lesson today is English
Tenses. We will do different tasks: make up dialogues, translate
sentences from Russian into English and from English into Russian. So
let’s set to work. Are you ready?
Pupils: Yes, we are.
II. Фонетическая зарядка:
(девочки задают мальчикам вопросы в виде уже известного им стихотворения , а мальчики отвечают и задают им свои вопросы).
Let’ recite our favourite poem. Girls, begin, please.
Boys, have you met famous people?
Have you tried English tea?
Have you ever fallen off
A very high tree?
Have you ever played tennis?
Have you lost? Have you won?
And what’s the coolest thing
You have ever done?
I have met Elton John,
And I’ve tried English tea.
I have never fallen
off a very high tree,
But when I was eleven,
I did a parachute jump,
And that’s the coolest thing
I have ever done.
Have you ever found money?
Have you travelled to Spain?
Have you ever gone
on a jumbo jet plane?
Do you know how to dive?
Have you swum in the sea?
And what’s the coolest thing
You have ever seen?
I have never found money,
And I haven’t been to Spain,
And I’ve never gone
on a jumbo jet plane.
But I’ve seen a giraffe,
It walked down our street.
And that’s the coolest thing
I have ever seen.
III. Речевая разминка:
1. Teacher: Thank you very much for reciting the poem.
Now, answer my questions, please.
- Do you live in Tatarstan?
- What are you doing now?
- Have you ever been in Kazan??
- Have you done your homework?
- We are reviewing Present tenses today, aren’t we?
- Do you often go to the cinema ?
- Are you standing or sitting now?
2. Teacher: Look at the board , read and find the word, please.
My first letter is in pizza and chips and peas
My second is in bread and it’s also in cheese
My third is in sugar and butter and rice
My fourth appears in coffee twice
My fifth is in egg and it’s also in steak
My sixth is in crisps an it’s also in cake
My last is in drinks like water and tea.
What’s the word? (Perfect)
IV. Активизация навыков монологической речи
Teacher: It is important to have a good motto if
you want to be successful. Now I want you open your books at p.11 ex.18
Let’ s read the examples of the mottos, which of the following mottos
do you like and why? Work in groups and share your ideas with
V. Физкультминутка
Teacher: Are you tired? Look at the screen and do the puzzles.
VI. Основная часть урока:
a) Повторение образования Present Simple, Present Continious, Present Perfect.
1. Teacher: Now , look at the screen and name the tenses.(используется мультимедийная презентация)
Pupils: Учащиеся глядя на формулы времен называют их, а ответы подтверждаются с помощью анимации на экране.
b) Закрепление повторенного грамматического материала. Работа по карточкам. Учащимся раздаются карточки с заданиями.
Complete the sentences.
- Billy usually …………….. (sit ) near the window, but now he ……(sit) in front of the teacher.
- I …………..(read) already the book .
- Every day my mother …………….(try) to teach my kittle brother how to do morning exercises
- The sun …………..(shine) brightly , let’s have lunch in the garden.
- Alina……….(live) in Nurlat.
- My parents always ……………(spend )their holidays at the seaside.
VII. Введение нового грамматического материала.
Teacher: If you want to speak English well, you’ll
have to learn English grammar regularly. We shall have a talk about
Present tense - Present Perfect Continuous .
Для введения нового грамматического материала используется
грамматический материал на сайте
VIII. Закрепление введенного грамматического материала
a) Teacher: Can you use the present tenses in the
sentences ?And now open your books at p.11 ex.20. Let’s open the
brackets and read the sentences one by one.
b) Для закрепления употребления временных форм Present проводится
тест. Данный тест проверяет умение правильно выбирать и употреблять
настоящие времена (Present Simple, Present Continuous, Present Perfect,
Present Perfect Continuous) в соответствии с ситуацией общения. Из
четырех вариантов ответа необходимо выбрать один, который на Ваш взгляд
является правильным.
Используется ресурс интернета :www.nativeenglish.ru/exercises/present
IX. Развитие навыков перевода
Teacher: Now translate the sentences from Russian into English:
– Мы повторяем времена английского языка.
– Мама только что приготовила ужин.
– Я читаю «Гарри Поттера» уже 2 недели.
– Мы с классом каждый год ездим на экскурсию в Казань.
– Мы учим английский язык каждый день.
– Я смотрю «Универ» уже 2 часа.
X. Развитие навыков диалогической речи:
Teacher: Now, I’ll give cards with key words to four
pairs. Use these words and make up dialogues. ( Слова для диалогов
показаны также и на экране). While the four pairs are making dialogues,
let's translate the dialogue on the screen from Russian into English.
Макe up dialogues using the following key words:
- By train, travel, ever, hello, I’m OK, where, when, have been,
haven’t seen you for ages, to Moscow, Red Square, the Tsar Bell,
the Tsar Cannon, like it there, sure, thanks a lot, bye- bye.
- Hi, I’m fine, haven’t seen you for a long time, really, have been,
visited, by plane, have come, from America, just, how
interesting, of course, Big Ben, what else, see, the Natural
History Museum and…,thank you, good bye.
- Hello, I’m fine, ever, have read, when, you, going, where, to the
library, to give back the book, what book, "Harry Potter”, read,
like it, did, bye-bye, haven’t seen you for ages, see you.
- Good morning, where, are going, how are you? Let’s go, cinema,
together, what film is on? Taras Bulba, Oh! I have seen, last
Thursday, alone, with my schoolmates, like it,enjoy yourself, very
XI. Прослушивание диалогов.
XII. Заключительная часть:
Teacher: Thank you very much for the lesson. You were very active today. I give you good marks today. Good - buy! Good-luck!!!
Home task: Написать 8 предложений используя все временные формы Present Tenses.