Цели: закрепление новой
лексики; развитие навыков языковой догадки.
Оборудование: записи на
доске; карточки.
Ход урока
I. Организационный момент
— We continue talking about bullying. First we must revise the new
words. Then we will read and discuss an extract from a famous novel by C.
Bronte "Jane Eyre".
II. Фонетическая разминка
— But first let's revise the new words. Look at the blackboard. There is
a table with the sounds. Try to guess the words. Some letters can be used more
than once. There is an example.
b, 1, c, k, m
a, u, e
b, s
e, a
t, h, r
e, a
s, t,l
P, c, k, n
t, h, r, n
Один ученик работает у
Keys: blackmail, abuse, threat, steal, pick
on, threaten, bully, defend.
III. Речевая разминка
- Work on the new words. Take the cards on your tables. На карточках:
Put. the words in the correct order,
translate the sentences.
1. Can/a/be/boy/or/a/bully/a/girl.
2. BuUyiA/abuse/kind/a/of/is.
3. Is/bullying/an/attempt/hurt/to/or/threaten/someone.
4. Blackmail/ is/what?
5. A/is/stealing/also/of/form/bullying.
7. Do/why/always/him/pick/you/bullying/for/on?
8. A/who/is/bully?
Keys: 1. A bully can be a boy or a girl. (Задирой может быть и
мальчик, и девочка.) 2. Abuse is a kind of
bullying. (Злословие - это разновидность унижения.) 3. Bullying is an attempt to hurt or threaten someone. (Запугивание — это попытка
ущемить или угрожать кому-то.) 4. What is blackmail? (Что такое шантаж?) 5. Stealing is also a form ofbullying. (Кража — это тоже разновидность унижения.) 6. If
I were bullied I would defend myself. (Если бы меня унизили, я бы защитил себя.) 7. Why do you always pick on him for bullying? (Почему ты всегда выбираешь
его для унижений?) 8. Who is a bully? (Кто такой задира?)
IV. Развитие речи
— Look at the picture on p. 103. Describe it, please. Why do you think
the girl is crying? What do you think the man is telling her?
— You know this illustration is from a famous novel by C. Bronte
"Jane Eyre". Have you read this novel? Have you watched the film? Who
is the main character of the book? '
— There is a part of the text were the main character Jane Eyre is
bullied. You will read this part of the text but first try to predict what
phrases from ex. 40 are in the text. There are seven of them. Please, express
your predictions.
— To check your answers you have to read the
text. But I see that you are tired. Let's have a rest.
V. Физкультминутка
VI. Обучение чтению
— Check your predictions, read the text in ex. 41, p. 103.
— In pairs answer the questions in ex. 42, p. 103. Use the text about
bullying. Report to the class what you think on these questions.
Примерный ответ:
1. Jane felt unhappy and lonely. I'm very sorry for the little girl.
2. Jane had to stand on the chair for half an hour and no one could
speak to her until the next morning. Besides, Mr Blocklehurst told all the
teachers and girls everything he knew about her. I think it was a severe
3. Helen did.
4.1 think it was bullying because firstly it
is unfair, secondly Mr Blocklehurst wahted to show other girls that he Was the
main and everybody had to obey him.
5. No, I haven't. (Yes, I have. One day...)
— Do you like the novel? Would you like to
read it up to the end? Why or why not?
VII. Подведение итогов урока
— Have you learnt anything new at the lesson? Have you memorized the new
words? Would you like to read the novel by C. Bronte? Thank you for your work
today. The lesson is over. Good-bye.
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