Цель: формирование
грамматических навыков.
Оборудование: записи на доске; карточки.
Ход урока
I. Организационный момент
— Today we will discuss the problems of the teenagers and learn to do it
with the help of a complex object.
II. Фонетическая разминка
- As usual, we begin with the tongue twister. Let's revise the previous
one. Look at the blackboard.
На доске записана
разучиваемая скороговорка, учащиеся читают ее на скорость.
III. Речевая разминка
- What problems do teenagers usually have (ex. 18, p. 99)? Which of the
problems do you find the most serious? {I think/to my mind/ in my opinion the
most serious problem is...)
- Have you got such problems? How do you
solve them? Have your friends got any of the problems?
IV. Введение грамматики
- Do your parents make you do anything? Make somebody
do something means
«заставлять кого-нибудь делать что-то». Задайте вопрос от глагола к остальным
частям речи. Заставлять кого? Кого-нибудь. Заставлять что делать? Делать
что-нибудь. Какой член предложения отвечает на такие вопросы? (Дополнение!)
- Правильно. Это сложное
дополнение - complex object, поскольку оно состоит из нескольких частей. Read the rule about complex object
in ex. 19, p. 99. Как видите, после сказуемых, выраженных
глаголами "ask", "want", "tell", "expect", употребляется местоимение в косвенном падеже
или существительное, а затем инфинитив с частицей "to". Если же сказуемое выражено глаголом "make", то инфинитив употребляется без частицы "to". Read the examples and translate them into Russian.
Примерный ответ:
Родители заставляют своих
детей читать книги. Кто заставил тебя встать так рано? - Никто, это яркое
солнышко! Может ли тетушка Полли заставить Тома Сойера покрасить забор? -
Конечно, да. Мама не хочет, чтобы я пошел на вечеринку. Что она попросила меня
сделать? — Просто позвони ей. Пожалуйста, скажите ей, чтобы она принесла статью
о проблемах подростков завтра утром. Попроси своего старшего брата оставить
сообщение для ваших родителей.
- Let's have a
drill. Read the sentences in ex. 20 on p. 99. Translate them
into Russian in turn.
Примерный ответ:
1. Мистер Филипс хотел,
чтобы его сын попытал счастья.
2. «Мы только хотели,
чтобы Стив помог нам», - ответили маленькие мальчики.
3. Я бы хотел попросить ее
позаботиться о моем питомце в воскресенье.
4. Что тебя заставило
5. Она попросила ее
поискать ключи.
- Follow the rule and insert "to" where necessary (ex. 21, p.
99). Keys: 1. to; 2. to; 3. -; 4. to; 5. to; 6. -.
- I see that you are tired. Let's have a rest. Stand up, please.
V. Физкультминутка
VI. Совершенствование грамматических навыков
- It's time for you to make up your sentences with the complex object.
Do ex. 22 on p. 99 in writing. Change the pronouns in brackets in a proper way.
Her teacher makes her go to the stadium twice
a week. We ask her to work hard at her English. They want us to look for a
Saturday job.
The young parents ask me to take care of
their little daughter. His elder brother makes him argue with you.
- Go on writing your own sentences with the complex object. Use the
verbs ask/tell/want/make. Mind
the use of "to". Каждый учащийся придумывает по предложению.
- Use the complex object to say what your parents make you do and why
they do it. Work in pairs. Then report to the class what your partner says.
Примерный ответ:
His/her parents make him/her study English.
He/she thinks it's because English is the language of the world nowadays, and
English will help him/her to get a good job in future.
His/her parents make him/her attend school.
He/she thinks it's because without school he/she won't be able to get a higher
His/her parents make him/her do homework.
He/she tliinks it's because homework helps us to remember the material better.
His/her parents make him/her read difficult
books. He/she thinks it's because they want him/her to be better educated.
His/her parents make him/her do sports.
He/she thinks it's because sports help us to be healthy and keep fit.
His/her parents make him/her help about the
house. He/she thinks it's because they don't have enough time to do all the
His/her parents make him/her look after Uttle
sister/brother. He/ she thinks it's because his/her parents are too busy, but
they don't want to have a nurse.
His/her parents make him/her do the shopping.
He/she thinks it's because it's his/her duty.
His/her parents make him/her make my bed.
He/she think it's because his/her room should look tidy.
His/her parents make him/her take out the
garbage. He/she thinks it's because it's one of his/her duties.
His/her parents make him/her walk his/her
dog. He/she thinks it's because the dog is his/her; they presented it to
him/her for the birthday.
His/her parents make him/her wash up. He/she
thinks it's because he/she always stays the last at the table.
His/her parents make him/her stay at home in
the evening. He/she thinks it's because they worry about him/her.
— Well, your reasons are convincing. At home do some tasks in your
VII. Подведение итогов урока
— What grammar rule have you learnt today? Give your examples to the
rule. At home learn the rule and prepare for the test. The lesson is over. See you later.
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