Цели урока:
1. Активизация навыков изучающего чтения.
2. Закрепление навыков устной речи на основе прочитанного
3. Развитие лексических навыков по теме «Спорт».
Оборудование: карточки для пересказа текста (3 штуки);
карточки с заданием «Дополни предложение» по
количеству учащихся.
Ход урока
I. Организационный момент
- Good morning, boys and girls! (Good morning!)
- I haven't seen
you for ages. I am glad to see you again. (We are glad to see you too,)
II. Речевая
Учитель в быстром темпе задает вопросы и побуждает
детей отвечать на них.
- Hello, Oleg. Nice
to see you. How are you? (I am fine, thank you. How are you?)
- I am fine, too.
And what about you, Vova? How are you? (I am fine, thank you.)
- 1 am glad to hear
that. The weather is nice today, isn't it? (Oh, yes. I agree with you. It is
rather warm.)
- Kate, T'd like to
ask yoщ a question. (You
are welcome. What would you like to ask me about?)
- Do you go in for
sports? (Yes, I do. I go in for sports.)
- What type of
sports are you fond of, Kate? (I am fond of figure skating.)
- And what about
you, Nick? (I like to play football with my friends.)
- Which is
healthier: to go in for sports or watch it? (I think it is healthier to go in
for sports.)
- Why do you think
that it is healthier to go in for sports? (You can improve your health and keep
- Do you enjoy
running, Mary?/7o tell the truth, I don't enjoy running. It is too tiring.)
- What ways to keep
fit do you know? (A healthy diet, sport, well organized work help us to keep
- What do you do to
keep fit? (I go to the fitness club and sleep 8 hours a dav.)
- What medical
problems you might have if you play hockey? Do you take part in the
competition? Etc.
III. Тренировка навыков устной речи. Активизация материала прочитанного текста
- Look through the
story from exercise 56, page 112 in your textbook. Listen to my questions and answer them^ please.
Ученики просматривают текст из упр. 56, стр. 112 в
течение одной минуты, а затем отвечают на вопросы учителя. Учитель побуждает
учащихся давать развернутые ответы.
1. What was the weather like that day? (The weather was hot and
2. Was Nick afraid
of the big waves? Why? Why not? (He wasn't afraid of the big waves because he
was a strong swimmer.)
3. Why did people
on the beach watch Nick? (People on the beach watched Nick because it was
exciting to watch.)
4. Nick hurt his
arm and fell from his board, didn't he? (Yes, he did. Nick hurt his arm and
fell from his board.)
5. Was it easy or
difficult to swim towards the beach? (It was difficult for him to swim towards
the beach.)
6. Why did he not
want to talk to the. people on the beach? (He was tired and upset.)
7. Did Janelle
believe that it was an accident? (Janelle saw Brian cut across Nick.)
8. Why did Brian
cut across Nick? (He wanted to win the competition.)
9. Why couldn't
Nick go to Australia? (He couldn't go to Australia because he didn't win the
competition and he hurt his arm.)
IV. Закрепление
навыков устной речи на основе текста
- I
want you to divide into pairs. Read the task of exercise 58, page 113. You will
act, out the dialogues between the doctor and Nick. Who wants to retell this
story on the part of Nick or Janelle?
Учащиеся делятся на пары для составления диалога и выполнения
задания из упр. 58, стр. 113 из учебника. На работу в парах детям отводится 3—4
минуты. Затем диалоги учеников заслушиваются всем классом. Во время составления
диалога 2—3 наиболее подготовленных ученика получают индивидуальное задание —
упр. 59.
задание для учащихся — пересказ текста от лица главных героев. Для составления
рассказа ученики получают карточки, которые они используют в качестве опоры во
время пересказа. Данные рассказы учеников заслушиваются до или после
разыгрывания диалогов.
Примерная карточка для пересказа: The weather was... I saw... I
Suddenly a surfboard... I fell from...
It was not easy to swim because... I was...
Janelle came to me and said that... I understood
Примерный диалог:
Doctor. What's the matter with you, Nick?
N i с k. 1 feel bad. My right arm is hurt.
Doctor. Really? I'm very sorry. How did you hurt it?
N i с k. I was riding a wave when suddenly another boy cut
across me. My arm was hurt. I fell from my board.
Doctor. Don't worry. Now I'll bandage your arm and everything will be
all right. But now you must have a good rest and you shouldn't move your arm.
Nick. Thanks, doctor. Good-bye.
V. Физкультминутка
Учитель предлагает кому-либо из учеников провести
I am a little teapot,
Short and stout,
Here is my handle,
Here is my spout.
When the tea is ready
Give me a shout,
Then tip me up
And pour me out.
VI. Введение
лексики по теме «Спорт»
- Will you look at
the blackboard? You can see some words there. Let's read the new words and
remember them. Read the words after me, in pairs, one by one. Can you complete
the sentences using these words?
Учитель привлекает внимание учащихся к новым словам,
которые заранее записаны на доске. Ученики читают слова за учителем, в парах
и по цепочке. Затем учащиеся получают карточки с заданием «Дополни предложения».
Данное задание выполняется в устной форме.
Примерное задание на карточках: Complete the following
1. The football
game was very ....
2. Yesterday we
watched a......game.
3. I don't believe
your story. My dog didn't... you.
4. The ... made the
player leave the game.
5. Mike is the best...
in our team.
6. There are ten
members in their ....
7. My mother told
me that she wasn't... with my marks.
Keys: 1 - exciting; 2 - water polo; 3 - bite; 4 - referee; 5 - a forward;
6 — team; 7 — satisfied.
Примерная запись на доске:
water polo — водное поло;
exciting интересный, захватывающий;
a referee - судья;
to bite — кусать;
a forward - нападающий;
a team - команда;
to satisfy — удовлетворять.
VII. Активизация навыков изучающего чтения. Проверка понимания содержания прочитанного текста
~ It's time to read
the humorous story about dangerous sports. We shall read it aloud one by one.
Who could put the crocodile in the pool? Let's read the end of the story and
check our s guesses. Will you think of a title for this story?
Учитель организует чтение текста из упр. 62, стр. 113.
Данный рассказ читается учениками вслух по цепочке: каждый ученик читает 1—2
предложения. После чтения первой части рассказа учитель предлагает выполнить
упр. 62(b) и заслушать мнение нескольких учащихся.
- The next task for
you is exercise 20, page 122. Put the sentences in a logical order, please.
Now I'd like you to answer my questions.
Ученики выполняют упр. 20, стр. 122 сначала
самостоятельно в течение 2—3 минут, а затем один ученик вызывается к доске для чтения
рассказа вслух. Также на данном этапе урока ученики отвечают на вопросы
учителя по содержанию текста.
Примерные вопросы учителя:
1. Where
did it happen?
2. A water polo
game was one of the main sports events of the season, wasn't it?
3. Why did one of
the players jump out of the water and run to the referee?
4. Did the forward
bite the player?
5. Why was the game
stopped a few minutes later?
6. What did people
see at the bottom of the pool?
7. Where did the
players find a letter?
8. Who put the
crocodile into the pool?
9. Why did a water
polo fan put the crocodile into the pool?
VIII. Подведение
итогов урока
Учитель подводит итоги урока, благодарит детей за
работу, хвалит учащихся, принимавших активное участие в ходе урока, и объясняет
домашнее задание.
- That's all for
today. Good-bye, boys. Good-bye, girls.
Домашнее задание