Цель: формирование коммуникативных навыков,
активизация лексики по теме "Школьная жизнь” с
помощью мультимедийных технологий.
- Образовательные: повторение и
закрепление лексики раздела; развитие умений
строить монологическое высказывание, развитие
диалогических навыков, развитие навыков
аудирования, развитие навыков говорения,
развитие умения читать с детальным пониманием
содержания, развитие грамматических навыков –
употребление модальных глаголов, предлогов.
- Развивающие: развитие памяти, мышления,
воображения, творческого потенциала учащихся.
- Воспитательные: воспитание
положительного, уважительного отношения к школе,
к учителям, к одноклассникам, развитие
независимости, самостоятельности, умения
Учебные материалы: проектор, компьютер, магнитофон,
Приложение 1
Ход урока
1. Организационный момент. Сообщение цели урока
Today we are going to speak about our school, try to compare British and Russian
school, discuss what is good and what is bad in our education, what you like and don’t
like at school.
2. Фонетическая зарядка
At the beginning of our lesson let’s do phonetic exercise. Repeat after me, please:
Education, knowledge, subject, important, necessary, multiplication, subtraction,
addition, division, English, Mathematics, Biology, Chemistry, Literature.
3. Речевая разминка
We’ll start talking about school with the Chinese proverb: "Teachers open the door
but you must enter by yourself”. How do you understand this proverb? Do you agree with
How do you understand the words "a good education”?
Do you need a good education?
How can you get it?
What does school mean to you?
Can you say that you are a hard-working and serious pupil?
4. Тренировка навыков диалогической речи
You were to prepare dialogues about school. Act out your dialogues.
A dialogue sample:
P1: Do you go to a private or state school? P2:
I go to a state school. P1:
What kind of school is it? P2:
It is a comprehensive school, but there are some classes with deep study of
different subjects, Maths or Foreign languages, for example. P1:
How many subjects do you have at school? P2:
A lot of subjects: Maths, English, History, Geography, Biology, Art, Physical
Education and others. P1:
How often do you have English on your timetable? P2:
We have English four times a week. P1:
What about Art? P2:
We’ve got Art only once a week. P1:
What is your favourite subject? P2:
My favourite subjects are History and Music. P1:
Do you have to wear a school uniform? P2:
No, we don’t have to wear a uniform in our school. P1:
Would you like to wear a uniform? P2:
I’m not sure if that’s good or bad.
5. Работа с лексическим материалом
You see a number of words at the blackboard. Your task is to match these words with
their definitions.
Translate |
something that you do for interest or pleasure or because you want to
achieve something
a time of rest from school
to change speech or writing into another language
to make the sound of a letter, a word, a sentence
ability to remember things
an area of knowledge that you study at school
a piece of work that must be done |
Now I want you to think of your own sentences using these words.
6. Работа на доске
While you are thinking one of you will go to the blackboard and fill in the missing
Children begin to go to school ___the age___six.
They learn two poems ___heart every day.
These pupils are often late ___school.
Pupils sometimes write ___the pages ___a pen.
___his point ___view many subjects are difficult.
When you discuss something you have to see all sides ___the problem.
She always listens ___the teacher very attentively.
We colored pictures ___the last Art lesson.
We have many subjects ___the timetable every day.
7. Развитие речевых навыков
What does school mean to you?
Make up your statements beginning with the words "A school is a place where…”
What do you like at school? (All answers are welcome)
– We become cleverer;
– We take part in different school activities;
– We have a lot of friends;
– We study interesting subjects;
– We learn new things.
– What don’t you like at school? (All answers are welcome)
– We have no time for sports and hobby;
– We have to get up early in the morning every day even on Saturday;
– We are tired of doing homework;
– We depend on teachers’ mood;
– We have to learn some boring and useless subjects;
– We have many tests and exams;
– We worry about getting good marks;
– Our school bags are too heavy;
– Sometimes school has nothing to do with real life.
8. Тренировка умений строить монологическое
1) You spend of lot of time at school and I want you to tell about your school now.
(Учащиеся выступают со своими высказываниями)
2) It’s time to speak about British school. You know in Great Britain there are
different types of secondary schools. Most of them are state schools where education is
free. Some children go to private schools which are very expensive.
What do you know about British school?
Imagine that a pupil from Britain has come to our school. He (or she) will tell us
about his (her) school. (Один из учеников рассказывает о
Британской школе.)
Listen to him (her) attentively and be ready to ask questions about British school. (Учащиеся
задают вопросы о Британской школе.)
– When does school open and close?
– How old are British pupils when they go to the first form?
– How old are they when they finish the fifth form?
– How long does compulsory secondary education last?
– What languages do you learn?
– What is discipline like?
– What kinds of punishment are there in British schools?
– Must you wear a school uniform?
– What do you study in the subject which you call Science?
3) Can you compare British and Russian school? How is British school different from
your school? Say how British school is different from your school.
4) What school would you like to study at? What is your dream school? [3].
5) Драматизация диалога на основе прочитанного
текста [1].
There might be imaginary schools. We have read about such an amazing school in the
famous book "Alice’s adventures in Wonderland” (the dialogue between Alice and the
Mock Turtle) by Lewis Carol. We can name it a parody on education. Now we’ll act out the
scene from this book.
The pupils are performing this scene.
9. Тренировка навыков аудирования
Listen to the text [2] and be ready to answer the questions:
– What kind of school did Mark go?
– What were his best (worst) subjects?
– What subjects did he study in the sixth form?
– Where is he studying now?
– What year is he in?
10. Развитие грамматических навыков –
употребление модальных глаголов в речи на основе
лексики урока
1) What can you say about yourself as a pupil? Let’s discuss together what a good
pupil is.
Begin your statements with the words: A good pupil should/ shouldn’t…
For example,
– A good pupil should be attentive at the lesson.
– A good pupil should get good marks.
– A good pupil should keep school rules.
– A good pupil should be polite.
– A good pupil should always do his (her) homework.
– A good pupil should come to school on time.
– A good pupil should look neat and tidy.
– A good pupil should be active at the lesson.
– A good pupil shouldn’t talk with the classmates during the lesson.
Can you say that you are a hardworking and serious pupil?
What do you do to be a good pupil?
2) Let’s talk about a good teacher. What is a good teacher like?
Begin your statements with the words: A good teacher should/ shouldn’t…
For example,
– A good teacher should explain everything clearly.
– A good teacher should give knowledge.
– A good teacher should respect children.
– A good teacher should know his (her) knowledge.
– A good teacher should look nice and tidy.
– A good teacher should respect children.
– A good teacher should understand children.
– A good teacher should have a sense of humour.
– A good teacher should be strict.
11. Развитие навыков чтения
Every school has its own basic rules.
Read the dialogue between a teacher and a new pupil in an American school [2]:
Teacher: Now, I think I ought to tell you some of the important school rules.
Pupil: Yes, Sir.
You have to wear your uniform at all times.
You mustn’t smoke at school. Let me see.
You mustn’t run in the corridors.
Oh, yes, if you are off school more than three days, you must bring a note from your
doctor when you come back.
Pupil: Do you have to bring a note if it’s less than three days?
Teacher: You don’t have to bring a note from your doctor, but you should bring a
note from your parents.
Pupil: I see, Sir.
How is it in your school? When do you have to bring a note from the doctor and when
from the parents?
12. Тренировка умения выразить и объяснить свое
What other school rules do you have in your school?
Present the "Code of Conduct” of your school.
The pupils are presenting their "Code of Conduct” [3].
1) All students must look clean and tidy;
2) Pupils must not eat or drink in the school building, except in the school canteen.
3) Pupils must not smoke;
4) Pupils must not run or shout in the school building;
5) All pupils must bring the books, pens, pencils and everything they need for the day;
6) All pupils must be ready for the lesson;
7) Pupils must be polite to their classmates and their teachers;
8) They must not be late for school;
9) Pupils must not leave a lesson without a teacher’s permission.
Do you always keep school rules? If you don’t keep school rules, the teacher has to
use some punishment.
What punishment do you get if you
– miss the lesson;
– talk with your classmates during the lesson;
– are late for school;
– are not polite to your teacher;
– do not do your homework;
– get bad marks?
What is the easiest punishment in your opinion?
What is the most unpleasant punishment?
What is the most effective punishment?
What is the least effective punishment?
13. Игра
Now let’s have fun. We’ll play an exciting game "Noughts and Crosses”. We’ll
have fun and revise lexical material. Here on the board you can see the game.
Everybody knows the rules of this game. For this game you should be divided into two
teams-"Noughts’ and "Crosses”.
Your task is to make up sentences with these words. The sentences can be affirmative,
negative and interrogative.
Now let’s choose who takes the first turn.
For example,
– Can you translate this text?
– His knowledge of French is poor.
– It is necessary to have a good memory.
– It is important to have a good education.
– Which school activities are the most interesting for you?
– A good pupil should have good marks.
– We learn a lot of important subjects at school.
– We don’t have to wear a uniform at school.
– Every school has its own rules.
14. Подведение итогов урока
It’s time to finish our lesson. You all were good pupils. You were active and worked
Thank you for your work. It was very interesting to listen to your points of view. Your
marks for the lesson are following. The lesson is over. Good-bye.