Цель: совершенствование навыков устной речи на основе прочитанных текстов и текста для аудирования
Совершенствовать коммуникативную компетенцию учащихся.
Развивать навыки восприятия речи на слух
Развивать навыки чтения с целью извлечения детальной информации.
Развивать творческую фантазию, познавательный интерес, инициативу в осуществлении иноязычной речевой деятельности.
Расширять кругозор школьников.
Воспитывать уважение к культуре и традициям других народов, умение анализировать, прививать навыки культуры внешнего вида.
Технологии: традиционно-педагогическая,
информационно-коммуникативная (слайдовая презентация), здоровье
сберегающая (смена видов деятельности). Метод проблемного обучения
(найти проблему и обсудить)
Тип урока: обобщающий.
компьютер, презентация о школьной форме в разных странах, раздаточный материал
1.Организационный момент.
2.Речевая зарядка
3.Сообщение темы и целей урока
4. Работа с аудиотекстом
5. Презентация «Школьная форма в разных странах»
6. Дискуссия «Быть или не быть школьной форме?» Аргументы за и против.
7. Рефлексия. Итоги урока
8. Домашнее задание.
9. Объявление оценок.
Ход урока
1. Организационный момент.
Good morning, girls and boys. Good morning our guests. I am glad to see you.
Well,boys and girls, all of you I believe feel like speaking English, don’t you? So, let’s begin our lesson.
2. Речевая зарядка
What did we speak about at our previous lessons?(Teenagers’ problems)
How does it feel to be a teenager in the present-day world? What problems do teenagers face?
(family problems, personal problems, school problems)
Could you name some problems teens face at school?
3. Сообщение темы и целей урока
Do you think the problem of school uniform is worth discussing? Do all of you wear it with pleasure?
Let it be the topic of our discussion today. We are going to speak
about school uniform in Britain, USA, Russia and Belarus as well as
about the role of dresscode in our modern life.
Понятие "dress code”, "school uniform”
First I‘d like you to give the definitions of the words ” uniform” and "dress code”.
(Dress code- a standard of dress established for a given environment, as in the military, in a school or business, or in a cultural group.
A uniform is a set of standard clothing worn by
members of an organization while participating in that organization's
activity. Modern uniforms are worn by armed forces and paramilitary
organisations such as police, emergency services, security guards, in
some workplaces and schools.)
What groups of people wear uniforms?
4.Работа с аудиотекстом
As you know most schools in Britain have uniforms. Now I want you to listen to a text and be ready to discuss it.
а) Предтекстовый этап
-объяснение новых слов
-предтекстовое задание «Did the headmaster succeed in making the boy wear uniform?”
б) Текстовый этап
-первичное прослушивание текста
-выполнение предтекстового задания
-вторичное прослушивание текста с заданием:
- Complete the sentences according to the text
-Fill in the articles and prepositions
в) Послетекстовый этап
Do you approve of the boy’s persistence in wearing jeans? What would you recommend him?
What would you do in his place?
5. Презентация «Школьная форма в разных странах»
The question of uniforms and having dress codes is still argued and
discussed among teachers and students. There are a lot of arguments
against and in favour of uniform. Students protest against dress codes
because they want to have more freedom. Teachers say that free style
makes it difficult for children to concentrate on their classes.
Let’s read some information about the school uniforms in Britain, America, Russia and Belarus.
( Просмотр слайдов. Комментирование слайдов учащимися.)
Слайд 2 . The word "uniform” means "having the same form”. So a
school uniform means that every child in the school wears the same
clothes. In some countries school uniform is normal and most schools
have one. In other countries, particularly in continental Europe, the
USA and Canada, uniform is worn mostly in private schools.
Слайд 3. School uniform in Britain. Pupils in most secondary schools
in Britain have to wear a school uniform. This usually means a white
blouse for girls with a dark-coloured skirt and a pullover
Слайд 4. Shirts and blazers are also common.
Слайд 5. Boys wear shirts and ties, dark trousers and dark-coloured pullovers or blazers.
Слайд 6. In some schools pupils also wear blazers with the school
badge on the pocket. They often have to wear some kind of hat on the way
to and from school – caps for boys and berets for girls. Shoes are
usually black or brown. And no high heels.
Слайд 7. During the 1990s state schools in the USA began to introduce
uniforms due to the claims that wearing uniform leads to better
discipline and educational results. Both the Clinton and Bush
administrations have been in favour of school uniforms.
Слайд 8. Today, most schools require girls to wear skirts, others allow girls the choice of skirts or trousers.
Слайд 9. Some schools have unisex uniforms—a shirt, a sweater or blazer and sometimes trousers of a given colour.
Слайд 10. Boys typically wear a collared shirt, a tie, and trousers
of required colours, although polo shirts are also permitted
Слайд 11. Uniforms may vary according to the time of year. In many
schools, students wear lighter uniform clothing during the hotter
months of the school year. However, in some schools students have
to wear long sleeved shirts, ties, woollen sweaters, blazers, woollen
skirts or jumpers, and knee socks or tights in any season and weather.
Слайд 12. In Russia, school uniforms were cancelled after 1917
revolution, but were re-introduced in 1948. Wearing uniform was made
obligatory and pupils were punished for not following the rules.
Слайд 13. The style of Soviet school uniform was modernized in 1962
and since that time was modified each decade. Boys generally wore dark
blue trousers and jackets, girls — brown dresses with black aprons and
black bows (on special occasions, white aprons and bows were worn).
Слайд 14. The members of the Young Pioneer organization wore famous
red neckties and badges. Badges were also worn by October children and
Komsomol members.
Слайд 15. In 1992, compulsory school uniforms were cancelled. Today,
there is no unified standard uniform in Russia, however, many
gymnasiums and lyceums, especially prestigious ones, as well as certain
schools may have their own uniform that students are required to wear.
Слайд 16. Belarusian educational institutions may either have their own uniform or a certain dress-code.
Слайд 17. There is also a modern-day tradition for girls to dress
into brown Soviet-style school uniform for their graduation ceremony.
Слайд 18. Good things about school uniform
ü Having a school uniform gives you a school identity.
It means that you belong to that particular school.
ü You don’t have to worry about what to wear on a school day.
ü The clothes are usually practical and comfortable to wear.
ü Uniforms can be handed down to other children in the family.
ü With a uniform you don't need many casual clothes. It reduces
class differences because everyone has to wear the same.
ü Uniform is usually cheaper than everyday dress.
ü Wearing a uniform helps to prepare students for the world of
work, where uniforms are often worn.
ü Schools with uniforms have better educational results.
This is because there is better discipline.
Слайд 19. Bad things about school uniform
ü Uniform is often not practical or pleasant to wear.
Designs are often old-fashioned and ugly.
ü Forcing children to wear uniform can ignore their religious and cultural needs.
ü Wearing a school uniform is not good preparation for working.
Only a few jobs require uniforms, and many of these are low-paid service jobs.
ü Skirts or formal trousers are not good for doing sport or running around at lunchtime or breaks.
ü Some uniforms are a bit too casual and can look not very neat.
ü They can be very expensive.
ü You can get fed up of wearing the same old, same old every day.
ü You get into trouble if you don't wear uniform.
6. Дискуссия «Быть или не быть школьной форме?» Аргументы за и против.
Study the reasons for and against dress codes . Summarize and present
your ideas.
7. Рефлексия. Итоги урока
Probably, you’ll agree with me "A SCHOOL UNIFORM IS THE FACE
8.Домашнее задание. Write an essay "School uniform . Pros and cons”.
9.Объявление оценок. I am pleased with your answers. Your marks are…Thank you for the
lesson. Bye.
Story 17
As you probably know, school uniform is compulsory in many British
schools. Every year newspapers report cases in which children are sent
home because they are not wearing the right uniform. Often they are not
allowed back until they are correctly dressed. This is the story of one
boy's refusal to wear uniform.
When I was at junior school, I was the first person to wear jeans. I
liked wearing jeans and thought I looked good in them. The headmistress
told everyone in my class that only hooligans wore jeans, and that
wearing jeans gave children a criminal mind. She then said that she
could name some who had turned into criminals from wearing jeans and she
looked at me. I was only seven and I felt really upset, but my mother
talked to the headmistress and she never said anything like that to me
After that lots of other people started wearing jeans, and they
didn't turn into hooligans and criminals because of it. This didn't stop
the headmistress though. Once I heard her shouting at a younger boy
about his father wearing jeans. She said, "Look where wearing jeans got
your father, you little hooligan. Do you want to turn out like him?" The
little boy came out crying and we all hated her. I thought she was
At the comprehensive school I wasn't the first person not to wear
school uniform. I thought that nothing would happen, so I was surprised
when they tried to throw me out of school. People used to ask me why I
wasn't in school uniform. They used to say "everyone else is in uniform
but you" when there were people all around not in uniform. It just
didn't make sense. They used to say things like "the uniform is smart".
When I asked what was smart about it, they would say, "Because it's
black." So I'd ask what was smart about black, and they'd reply "because
it's uniform".
Some of the teachers were OK and so were most of the older kids. The
biggest problem was the headmaster. He kept saying I had two choices
either to go home, or stay in his room all day. I think there's no point
in wearing school uniform. A policeman's uniform, for example, shows
that someone has a special job, but schools are places for learning, and
learning does not depend on what people wear.
Story 17 (№52)
- 1. Before listening to the story, look through the following words.
compulsory – обязательный hooligan – хулиган refusal - отказ
- 2. Listen to the story and say if the headmaster succeeded in making the boy wear uniform.
3. Mark the right continuation of the sentences.
1. Each year newspapers report cases in which children ...
a) are not allowed to be at school because they are not wearing the right uniform.
b) refuse to come to school because they don't want to wear uniform.
c) come to school in jeans because they can't afford to buy uniform.
2. The boy started to wear jeans because ...
a) some other boys of his age wore jeans.
b) he thought he looked good in jeans.
c) his father wore jeans.
3. At junior school the headmistress made one of the younger boys cry by telling him that if he wore jeans, ...
a) he would turn out to be like his father.
b) she would throw him out of school.
c) he would have to stay at school all day.
4. At the comprehensive school ...
a) the boy was the first not to wear uniform.
b) some other pupils didn't wear school uniform either.
c) even the teachers and the headmaster wore uniform.
5. In the boy's opinion a policeman's uniform ...
a) shows that someone has a special job.
b) is smart because it's black.
c) looks smarter than school uniform.
4. Listen to the story again and complete the sentences according to the text.
1. In many British schools school uniform is_ .
2. Often schoolchildren are not allowed back to school until - .
3. According to the headmistress, wearing jeans gave children - .
4. The headmistress said she could name some who had turned -.
5. The headmistress never told the boy anything about wearing jeans after _.
6. At the comprehensive school the boy was surprised when they tried to_ .
7. People used to ask the boy why_.
8. At the comprehensive school the biggest problem for the boy was_.
9. The headmaster said the boy's choices were either- .
10. In the boy's opinion learning does not__.
5. Write down the words and expressions from the recording which have the same meaning and write them down.
1. to be properly dressed
2. awful
3. elegant, stylish
4. to expel from school
5. everyone except you
6. Fill in the articles and prepositions as in the recording. Listen again if necessary.
1. Children are sent home because they are not wearing _ right uniform.
2. I was_ first person to wear jeans.
3. The headmistress was shouting_ a younger boy.
4.1 think there's no point_ wearing school uniform.
5. A policeman's uniform shows that someone has - special job.
6. Learning does not depend_ what people wear.
Follow-Up Activity Give your arguments for or against wearing a uniform.