- Развивающая: продолжать знакомство с
обычаями и традициями англоязычных стран,
развивать навыки самостоятельного поиска и
подбора информации;
- Обучающая: совершенствовать навыки
аудирования и устной речи;
- Воспитательная: расширять кругозор о стране
изучаемого языка, воспитывать уважение к
иноязычной культуре.
Участники: учащиеся 8 А, 8 Б, 8 В классов.
Оформление: рисунки с изображением индейки-
символа праздника, рисунки индейцев, название
праздника из разноцветных букв, цветы, фрукты,
овощи; набор посуды, магнитофон.
Сценарий праздника
1. Под музыку "Over the river” входят ученики, одетые
в костюмы индейцев. Вождь приветствует гостей:
Ladies and gentlemen! I am Chingachguk-the-Sharp-Claw and these are
my people. We are
glad to welcome you at this place today.
(Приветственные жесты индейцев.)
Звучит музыка. Входят ученики в костюмах
пилигримов. Приветствуют гостей.
We are newcomers. We are from the Old World. We are from New England.
We sailed to
America on the ship. We are glad to welcome you.
2. Участники исполняют песню "Over the river”.
Over the river, and through the woods,
To grandmother’s house we go;
The horse knows the way, to carry the sleigh,
Trough the white and drifted snow.
Over the river, and through the woods-
Oh, how the wind does blow.
It stings the toes,
And bites the nose,
As over the ground we go.
(Участники праздника рассаживаются.)
3. Выход "президента США” (ведущий одет в
мантию и шапочку). Зачитывает ежегодную речь
президента США.
The historic observance of a day of Thanksgiving at Plymouth, in
1621, was of many
occasions on which our ancestors paused to acknowledge their dependence
on the mercy and
favor of Divine Providence. Today, on this Thanksgiving Day, likewise
observed during a
season of celebration and harvest, we have added cause for rejoicing:
the seeds of
democratic thought sown on these shores continue to take root around the
Now, there fore, I, G. Bush, president of the USA, do hereby call upon
the American people
to observe Thursday, November 26, as a National day of Thanksgiving and
to gather together
in homes and places of worship on that day of thanks to affirm by their
prayers and their
gratitude the many blessings God has bestowed upon us.”
4. Выход ведущих. P1
: Dear Indians and pilgrims! Do you know why we are here today?
What holiday are
we going to celebrate? Thanksgiving has become a national American
holiday, hasn’t it?
When is the holiday celebrated? Now we are going to tell you about the
5. Аудирование рассказа о празднике.
Ведущий 2: The first Thanksgiving Day was celebrated by the
Pilgrims in
1621. They came from England for religious freedom. They sailed from
Plymouth, England, on
September 16, 1620. Their ship was called the Mayflower. They landed at
Plymouth Rock, in
Massachusetts, on December 26, 1620.The first winter was a terrible
time. There was much
sickness and starvation. Native Indians taught the Pilgrims how to
plant, to fish, to hunt
and how to survive in America. The crops did well, and in the fall of
1621 the Pilgrims
had a great harvest. They were very thankful and decided to celebrate
with a feast. The
Pilgrims invited their Indian friends to share this Thanksgiving feast.
6. Вопросы учащимся по прослушанному тексту: Ведущий 1:
When was the first Thanksgiving Day celebrated? What
did the
Pilgrims sail from England for? What was the name of the ship? What did
the Native Indians
teach the Pilgrims? Why did the Pilgrims invite their Indian friends for
the feast?
Who were the Pilgrims?
7. Монолог ученика о пилигримах
8. Ведущий 2: What do you know about Native Indians? (Монолог
ученика об индейцах.)
9. Рассказ о праздновании этого дня в наше время.
Ведущий 3
: Thanksgiving Day comes on the 4-th Thursday in
November. It’s a
legal holiday celebrated throughout the USA. People of all faiths
celebrate this day. They
give thanks for the many good things in their lives. This is a family
holiday. Families
come comes together from near and far. In some places special religious
services are held
in the morning. The comes the traditional feast. Turkey with stuffing is
the main dish. It
is served with sweet potatoes, squashy, cranberry, sauce, and pumpkin
pie. Apple cider is
the drink of the day. Football is the most popular game on the day. For
many schools the
Thanksgiving game is the most important one of the year. Usually there
are several
football games to watch on TV. Macy’s department store holds its annual
Thanksgiving Day
Parade in New York City. Celebrities, floats, bands, and balloons shaped
like famous story
book and cartoon characters appear in the parade. Santa Claus arrives at
the end. His
coming marks the beginning of the Christmas season.
Stores, classrooms, and homes are decorated with turkeys, pilgrims,
Indians, wreaths of
dried flowers, and vegetables.
Horns of plenty are very popular. Charitable organizations serve dinners
to needy people.
They also sends baskets of food to the elderly and sick.
10. Activities (проводит ведущий).
Сервировка стола: Do you know the traditional dishes on Thanksgiving
Day? (Ученики называют традиционные блюда.)
11. Ведущий 4: Listen to traditional menu on this day.
Thanksgiving Menu:
- Roast turkey stuffed with herb flavored bread
- cranberry jelly
-white mashed potatoes
-pumpkin pie
-creamed corn
-apple cider
Your task is to set a table for a holiday dinner and explain the
order of setting.
(По одному уч-ся от пилигримов и индейцев. Уч-ся
сервируют стол и объясняют порядок сервировки).
2. Игра "Меню” (как "Снежный ком”).
P1: I am going to thanksgiving dinner and I am having turkey. P2
: I am going to thanksgiving dinner and I am having turkey and
stuffing. P3
: …
3. Action-poem "Pilgrim children”
Pilgrim children worked hard all day
Pilgrim children had little time to play.
The first child chopped lots of wood.
The second child helped make the family food.
The third child helped keep the horses fed.
The fourth child made a mattress for his bed.
The fifth child made soap and a candle.
The sixth child turned the meat-roasting handle.
Pilgrim children worked hard all day.
Pilgrim children had little time to play.
4. "Guessing Fun”. (Игра "Догадайся”)
Ведущий: Let’s have a guessing fun. Take a thing and guess its
(Индеец и пилигрим с завязанными глазами
вытаскивают из корзины овощи и фрукты и называют
5. Action-game "Five Plump Turkeys”
This plump turkey spread his tail like a fan.
This plump turkey away he ran.
This plump turkey flew up in a tree.
This plump turkey gobbled at me.
This plump turkey said, "I’ll leave right away,
So the cook can’t find me on Thanksgiving Day.”
6. Игра "Цитаты”. (Quotations”)
Ведущий 3: Now, you’ll receive cards with quotations. Your
task is to
read it correctly and find the right Russian equivalent.
- Когда зерно созрело, время его убирать.
- Урожай приходит не каждый день, хотя он бывает
каждый год.
- Лучше отдавать, чем получать.
- Признательность, благодарность, сочувствие,
участие, религия.
- When corn is ripe, it’s time to reap.
- Harvest comes not every day, though it is every year.
- It’s better to give than to receive.
- Gratitude, thankfulness, compassion, sharing, religion.
10. "Рог изобилия (Horn of Plenty)
Ведущий 4: We are also thankful to our nearest and dearest for
things. Let’s make a Horn of Plenty.
”Индейцы” и "пилигримы” по очереди читают
написанную заранее ими на листке благодарность и
опускают в рог. Учителя читают благодарность
детям и вручают сувениры.