I. Образовательные:
расширение эрудиции учащихся, их общего кругозора; активизировать
страноведческий языковой материал по теме "Travelling all over the countries and continents”; обобщить, углубить и расширить
лингвострановедческие знания; совершенствовать умения и навыки
практического владения английским языком по заданной теме;
способствовать формированию социокультурной компетенции учащихся.
II. Развивающие: развивать память и
внимание; развитие языковых, интеллектуальных и познавательных
способностей учащихся, их чувств и эмоций; развивать и поддерживать
устойчивый интерес к английскому языку, речевую культуру и культуру
общения друг с другом.
III. Воспитательные: формирование
культурно-страноведческой компетенции учащихся; формирование
познавательной активности учащихся; воспитание готовности сотрудничать
при выполнении конкретных задач; воспитание чувства товарищества,
коллективизма, взаимопомощи, ответственности; воспитывать чувства
уважения и доброжелательности к странам изучаемого языка и их народам.
обеспечение: красочный плакат под названием " Countries and continents ”, таблички с названиями разных стран,
тематические плакаты, медали в форме сердечек, магнитофон с записями
тематических песен, политическая карта мира, флаги
России, Великобритании, Франции, Германии, Испании, Италии, Китая,
Индии, Вьетнама, США, Канады, Египта, раздаточный материал с заданиями,
учебник Корнеева Е.А., Баграмова Н.В., Чарекова Е.П. "Практика
английского языка”, учебник Парахина А.В., Базилевич В.Г. "Познакомьтесь
– Великобритания и США”, учебник Eckersley C.E.
"Essential English for Foreign Students”.
- Вступительное слово ведущего. (Greeting)
- Приветствие команд.
(A visiting card of captains)
- Разминка. (Work-out)
- Конкурс капитанов.
(The competition of captains)
- Исполнение песни "We are little
travelers” обеими командами. (The final
- Подведение итогов мероприятия. (Total
Ход мероприятия:
I. Greeting.
Teacher: Good afternoon, everyone. Today we are travelling
through countries and continents. We have two teams of experts who will
help us during our journey and at the end we’ll see which team is the
best. The people in this team are not experts so we will call them
tourists. Here we have our judges. They are pupils of the eleventh form,
so they are worthy of respect. And I will be your guide.
The planet we live on is the Earth. The earth is round. If
you look at the Earth from the space you will be able to see land, seas,
oceans, continents and even countries. Sometimes you can see them
through clouds. They look very beautiful when the sun rises or sets.
There are four oceans and six continents. The continents
are Europe, Asia, Africa, America, Australia and Antarctic. America consists of North
America and South America. The
continents are very large. Oceans and seas wash them from each other.
There are usually many countries on the continents. For example, there
are more than 40 countries in Africa, but there is only one country in Australia. Let’s name some countries from each continent: Russia, Great
Britain, France, Germany, Spain, Italy are in Europe. Chine, India, Vietnam are in Asia. Canada and the United States are in America. Egypt is an African country.
The largest country in the world is Russia. The smallest country is the Vatican. All the countries have interesting people, places,
animals and plants. People of different nationalities live in these
countries. They speak different languages. Each country has national
flag, anthem and its own traditions and customs. So, today
we have two teams "Indians” and "Pilgrims”. Now let me introduce our
jury (представление жюри).
II. A visiting card of captains.
Teacher: The team "Pilgrims” is
Pilgrims: We are Pilgrims. We sailed to America from Plymouth, England, in September, in 1620. The name of our ship is May
Pilgrim children
work hard all day
Pilgrim children have little time to play
Pilgrim children chop much wood
They help to make the family’s food.
They keep the horses fed
They make a mattress for their beds
Pilgrims children work hard all day
They have little time to play.
Teacher: Thank you very much, Pilgrims. And now let’s greet
Indians: We are Indians. We came to America 25 000 years ago. We hunt, fish, harm and do other things.
We taught Pilgrims all these activities, and how to plant corn and
build houses. Together we have the Thanksgiving Day, and Thanksgiving
Dinner. We eat turkey, mashed potatoes and cranberries. We have pumpkin
pies for dessert. After dinner we relax and talk. Sometimes we watch a
football match on TV.
Teacher: Thanks a lot, Indians.
And I suppose, that these two reams should have captains. Let’s meet
them. The next competition will be "The captain’s visiting card”. And we
will start with the captain of Pilgrims.
The captain of Pilgrims: Hello, everybody. My
name is Alexey. I am 11 years old. My hobby is fishing. I study at
school, my favourite subject is computing. I am fond of sport especially
– football. In future I want to be an engineer (поет песню "I want to be an engineer”):
I want to be an
My mother was an engineer.
My father was one too.
I want to be an engineer.
I don’t want to be a nurse.
I don’t want to be a sailor.
I don’t want to be an English teacher.
I want to be an engineer.
I don’t want to be a layer.
I don’t want to be a rich man’s wife, oh, no.
I want to be an engineer like my mother.
I want to be an engineer.
The captain of Indians: Hello, my friends. My name is
Anton. I am 11 years old. My hobby is farming. I like to plant corn. At
school I prefer music and I like animals very much.
III. Work-out.
Teacher: Our next competition is
"Work-out” (разминка). Listen to the task.
Every member of the team pulls out the card with the task and do it. The
team can help him or her.
Tasks: 1. Name 5 countries;
2. Name the capitals of Germany, Spain, Italy;
3. Name the countries and the continent to which belong the
following capitals: Peking, Delhi, Hanoi.
4. Name the continent to which Egypt belongs.
5. Name the country where Canberra
is a capital.
7. Name countries which we can find in Europe.
8. Name countries which we can find in Asia.
Pilgrims: We have four questions. The first one is about
capitals, so, the answers are Berlin, Madrid
and Rome. Then Egypt can be found in Africa. Canberra is the capital of Australia and at the end in Asia we can find China, India and Vietnam.
Indians: We also have four questions. At the beginning we
want to say that Peking, Delhi, Hanoi are capitals of China, India and Vietnam, the continent is Asia. Then five countries are Russia, Great
Britain, France, Germany, Spain and Italy. In Europe we can find Russia, Great
Britain, France, Germany, Spain and Italy.
Teacher: Well done, thank you very much.
IV. The competition of
Teacher: Our next competition is
for captains. They will be given the cards with the words
in which the letters are mixed. The captains will write the right word
and translate it.
for the captain: Aiamrec (America), Ripglism
(Pilgrims), Ribiant Atreg (Great Britain), Erfacn (France), Danaca
(Canada), Sineche (Chinese), Giantype (Egyptian).
the captains are working, let’s listen to the song, performed by
Pilgrims & Indians.
Well, now Imagine that you are at the international
conference. You are the representatives of different countries. Here are
the flags of your countries - Russia, Great
Britain, France, Germany, Spain, Italy, Canada, the USA, Egypt, India. Your task is - Introduce yourself. Say what your name,
nationality and what language you speak.
The captain of Pilgrims: My name is Van Lee. I am from Vietnam. I am Vietnamese. My language is Vietnamese.
The captain of Indians: My name is Muhamet Ali. I am from Egypt. I am Egyptian. My language is Arabic.
Teacher: Thanks, and now you should imagine that you are
the representatives of different countries (France, Italy, Germany, Spain, China, Vietnam, India, Great
You speak different languages. The only language you can communicate
with each other is English. Your task is - Translate into English the
following sentences:
1. Планета на которой мы живём-
2. Наша планета круглая. 3.
На планете 4 океана и 6 континентов. There
are 4 oceans and 6 continents. 4.
Океаны – Индийский, Тихий, Атлантический и
5. Континенты -
Европа, Азия, Америка, Австралия, Антарктида. Америка состоит
из Северной Америки и
6. Самая большая страна в мире –
Россия. Самая маленькая – Ватикан. The largest country in the world is Russia. 7.
Люди разных национальностей живут в этих
странах. Они говорят на разных
8. У каждой
страны есть национальный флаг, гимн и эмблема. Each
country has its national flag, anthem and emblem.
The captain of Pilgrims: We prepare our translation. So
1. The planet we live on is the Earth.
2. Our planet is round.
3. There are 4 oceans and 6 continents.
4. The oceans are: the Indian
Ocean, the Pacific Ocean, the Atlantic Ocean and
the Arctic Ocean.
The captain of Indians: We are also ready:
1. The continents are: Europe, Asia, America, Australia, Africa and Antarctic. America consists of North
America and South America.
2. The smallest
country is the Vatican.
3. People of different nationalities live in these countries. They speak
different languages.
4. Each country has its national flag, anthem and emblem.
V. The final song.
Teacher: And now
we will sing our final song "We are little
travelers” (команды поют
Pilgrims and
Welcome little
Welcome home
Tell us little travelers
What land are you from
We have come from jumping land
Where people all go jumping
Well, jump. – But I am jumping.
We have come from dancing land
Where people all go dancing
Sorry, may I ask you for a dance?
You’re welcome.
VII. Total score.
Teacher: Thank you very much. We summed all your
results and found out that the winner is Pilgrims! But Indians will get
the prize of our guest’s respect. Thank you very much for your play.