Цель: Контроль навыков аудирования и говорения по теме «Москва- столица нашей Родины».
Обучающие задачи: Практиковать и контролировать учащихся в аудировании, монологической диалогической речи.
Воспитательные задачи: Прививать любовь к своей Родине, к её истории, своему родному городу.
Оснащение урока: 1) Магнитная запись
2) Карты Москвы, Лондона, Чувашии.
3) Лексические картины по теме «Москва. Лондон».
4) Раздаточный материал по теме.
5) Опоры по теме.
6) Волчок. Фишки.
План урока – викторины:
Задачи урока
Речевая зарядка
Ролевая игра «Экскурсия по Москве»
Ролевая игра « Знакомство гостей с городом Чебоксары». Заочное путешествие.
Ролевая игра « Экскурсия по Чебоксар »
Викторина «Что? Где? Когда?»
Подсчет очков.
Подведение итогов урока.
Награждение победителей.
Ход урока
What day ( data) is in today?
Is anybody absent today?
What is our home task?
What is the weather like today?
Do you like it? Why?
What shall we speak about today?
When was Moscow founded?
What is the centre of Moscow?
What is the Moscow underground like?
Why is Moscow called the transport centre?
I agree, disagree country-study museum
I’m afraid you are wrong church
Certainly (not) region
Of course (not) Hero City
I’m sure (not) Lenin Mausoleum
I believe St. Basil’s Cathedral
I suppose The Chuvash Republic
I can’t quite agree with you
3. Задача урока.
(Т -> Cl )
We’ll speak about two cities and one town today. Moscow, London, Cheboksary. We’ll have the role plays « Excursion in Moscow, Cheboksary», «Meeting Cheboksarsky Pupils», at last we’ll have the game «What? Where? When? ». There are two teams in our group ad two captains. I wish you good luck. Your prizes will be good marks and the collection of cards in English and Russian «Petrodvorets».
Речевая зарядка.
(Т -> Cl ) We’ll have the training of the teams. Ask the other team questions about these 2 cities & the town.
What is Cheboksary (Moscow, London)?
Where is Cheboksary (Moscow, London) situated?
When did the history of Moscow begin?
How many districts are there in Cheboksary (Moscow, London)?
How many monuments are there in it?
Why is Moscow called the political centre?
What are the parts of London?
What sights do you know in Cheboksary (Moscow, London)?
Are you proud of our town?
Ролевая игра «Экскурсия по Москве»
T: Imagine you have come to Moscow. Describe the sights you see in front of you. Use everyday sentences written on the black-board.
1) картина «Красная площадь» Have you been here?
Advise, situated, centre.
Certainly not.
2) картина «Часы на Кремле» The Tower of London
I’m afraid you are wrong
A lot of towers in the Kremlin 2,5 km long
5 ruby stars, symbolize unity& friendship
3) памятник А.С Пушкину a lot of monuments
what monuments
what other monuments
( have you see, do you know)
4) метро Москвы The Moscow Underground
I’m sure
I agree
The cleanest, the cheapest
Passengers a day
5) Moscow state Lomonosov On the left
University 32 floors
I believe thousands of students
The biggest
Ролевая игра «Заочное путешествие по Чебоксарам».
T: Imagine, you’ve all come to " Artec ” from different cities and countries. There are two girls from Cheboksary. You’all want to know something about it.
Gr. 1-> Григорьева
Gr. 2-> Амосова
Where do you live?
What is Cheboksary?
Where is it situated?
Is it the cultural centre of your region?
How many districts are there in Cheboksary?
What district do you live in?
How many river-ports are there in Cheboksary?
Are there any parks in your town? What are they?
How many museums (monuments) are there in your town?
10) How many cinemas and theatres have you?
11) Where is the cinema situated?.........
Ролевая игра «Экскурсия по Чебоксар»
T: Forget that you are Russian. You are English. You’ve come to Cheboksary from other countries and you want to know more about it. There are 2 guids . They’ll tell you about our hometown. If you have questions you may ask them too.
P1 P2 -> class
Сергеева К: My name is Kate S. I want to tell you about the history of Cheboksary. It was founded……..(история)
That’s all. Have you any questions to me?
Андреев С: My name is Sergey A. I want to tell you about Cheboksary today. As you know already it is situated on the Volga-river.
I like my home-town very much. Have you any questions to me?
8. Викторина Что? Где? Когда?
T: Now, we’ll play the game "What? Where? When? ”
Captains of the teams come forward, please.
1) He is from our region. He studied in Marposad. He is a Hero of the Soviet Union. He lives in Moscow. We are proud of him. Who is he?
2) How many districts are there in Cheboksary?
3) What monuments in your town do you know? Where are they situated?
4) Listen to the story and say what the name of the city is.
It is one of the most beautiful cities in the world. It’s famous for it’s beautiful squares monuments museums. It was founded by Peter the First. The river runs through the city. The city is famous for its white nights when the sun shines late in the evening. This city is known for its revolutionary traditions. The people call it the city of three revolutions. It is a Hero City During the Great Patriotic. War the people stood against the enemy to the Cast. Thousands of people died in the blockade.
There are a lot of factories and plants here it is also the cultural centre of our Mother Land.
6) Look at the picture and say what it is. Describe it. Show it on the map of Moscow (Red Square).
7) What can you say about Moscow as a transport centre?
8) Why can we say that the cultural life in Moscow is very rich?
9) Look at the slide, describe it and show it on the map of London? ( the House of Parliament)
10) Describe the picture show on the blackboard. Show it on the map of London (Trafalgar Square)
11) Name the parts of London Describe them.
12) What places of interest do you known in London.
13) What is the highest building in Moscow? How high is it?
14) Musical Pause. A song of M. Jackson.
Подсчет очков
T: The team of Григорьева has won their score is 64. Their opponent’s score is 58.
Проведение итогов урока. Награждение победителей.
T: You’ve worked well today and I give you good and excellent marks except. The winners and the captain of the opposite team get prizes.