Цели: активизация
известной лексики по теме «Успешная личность» в речи; введение и тренировка в
употреблении новой лексики по заданной теме.
Оборудование: записи на
доске; РТ; словари.
Ход урока
I. Организационный момент
— We begin to study one more theme "Trying to Become a Successful
Person". So, as you may understand we are going to discuss famous people
and the secret of their success. Today we are going to find the answer to the
question "Who is a successful person?"
II. Фонетическая разминка
— As usual, we begin with pronunciation. Open your workbooks at p. 52.
See ex. 1. Read the given words in transcription. Then complete the last
column. Use the dictionary if you need.
— Now repeat the words after me. T-*Ps.
— Do it one by one. What parts of speech are
formed of the given words?
III. Речевая разминка
— Look at the photos on p. 94 of your textbooks. Here are very famous
people. What are they famous for? Use the Linguistic and Cultural Guide if you
Host. Dear friends, you see there are
different points of view on reading and watching TV. There are the advantages
and the disadvantages of both, but to my mind everything is good when it is
not much. We finish our programme now. We are interested to know your opinion
on the questions discussed. Our e-mail is... See you next Monday.
Звучит музыка. Аплодисменты.
III. Подведение итогов урока
— Whose opinion do you find the most convincing? Do you like today's TV
show? Did it sound real? Was it interesting to take part in the TV programme?
Would you like to have such lessons more? At home write a report about the TV
show. Express your opinion about the participants and the lesson on the whole.
Домашнее задание
Написать отчет.
Примерный ответ:
Yuri Gagarin is famous for being the first to
fly into space.
Alia Pugacheva is famous for singing.
Walt Disney is famous for being a film
Charlie Chaplin is famous for being a comical
actor and producer who played in tramp and silent black and white comedy films.
Mother Teresa is famous for helping the poor
and the sick.
Irina Rodnina is famous for winning Olympic
medals in figure skating in 1972, 1976 and 1980.
Jack London is famous for his books
"Martin Eden", "The Call of the Wild", and "White
The Beatles are famous for their singing.
Galina Ulanova is famous for ballet dancing.
Garri Kasparov is famous for playing chess.
IV. Обучение речи
— OK, I see that you know these people quite well. All of them are
famous and successful. What makes a successful person? Ex. 1 on p. 94 will help
you to answer. (/ think that a successful person is a person who is independent
in his relations with other people, who shares everything he/she has with
otherpeople, who works hard every day to become better and cleverer, who
succeeds by his/her own efforts alone.)
— Let's learn some new words to speak about a success in career. In ex.
3, p. 95, you can see them in word combinations. Read them and translate.
Примерный ответ:
his own idea — его собственная идея;
with my own eyes — своими глазами;
mind your own business — займись своим делом;
on my/his/her own - сам(а);
to own a house — иметь дом;
He has become the owner of a company. — Он стал владельцем компании;
equal opportunities — равные возможности; all men are created equal — все люди с рождения равны; to share something equally between — разделить что-то поровну между;
unequal chances/opportunities — неравные шансы/возможности.
— Think of your own sentences with these word combinations. Other pupils
will translate.
Примерный ответ:
1. Mike took us to the British Museum. It's
his own idea to start showing London from its culture centre.
2. The volcano eruption was gorgeous. I saw
it with my own eyes.
3. Nick is sometimes rude. When I asked him
to be careful he said: " Mind your own business."
4. You have to do it on your own. You are a
big boy.
5. A successful person usually owns a house
with a garden and servants.
6. You may congratulate your son. He has become
the owner of a company.
7. Though we had equal opportunities, Peter
became the winner.
8. All men are created equal, but then you
must make your future on your own.
9. Mother bought a big tasty cake and shared
it equally between the children.
10. They had unequal chances and
opportunities to win the battle.
— Before we continue our work let's have a rest.
V. Физкультминутка
VI. Обучение чтению
— What is a successful person for the people from the West? Read the
text about it in ex. 4, p. 95, and entitle it. ("Nobody Is Going to Hand
You Success on a Plate". Or "You Are the Owner of Your Fate".)
— Read out the words that could be a motto of a successful person.
Примерный ответ:
1. If you want to succeed, you'll have to make it on your own: your own
energy, your own head, and your own ambitions.
2. If at first you don't succeed, try, try and try again.
3. Nobody is going to hand you success on a
— What are American people proud of? (American people are proud of their
— Can you name famous Americans? (Yes, lean. They are Abraham Lincoln,
Jack London, Walt Disney, the McDonalds brothers, Neil Armstrong, Bill Gates
and others.)
— In ex. 6, p. 95 there is a list of famous
American people. Say what they are famous for. Consult the Linguistic and
Cultural Guide if you need. Then give full answers making up the sentences.
Примерный ответ:
Abraham Lincoln is one of the greatest US
Presidents. Walt Disney created Disneyland. Jack London wrote "White
Fang", "Martin Eden". Levi Strauss invented jeans.
Neil Armstrong was the first man to walk on
the Moon.
Bill Gates founded the company Microsoft.
- Express your opinion about the text. Say which ideas in the
text you agree or disagree with. Why? Ex. 7
on page 95 will help you.
- At home work out the features of a
successful person and practise using the new words.
VII. Подведение итогов урока
- What qualities must a successful person have? Are you successful? How
does it happen? What new words do you remember? You were very active. Thank you
for your work. The lesson is over, good-bye.