Технологии: интерактивная доска, компьютер
Цель урока формирование обобщенных знаний по теме « The United Kingdom
of Great Britain and Northern Ireland» (Geographical Outlook) Задачи: - Повторить страноведческий материал по теме; Расширить словарный запас учащихся по теме; - развивать навыки догадки, память; -Воспитание у учащихся интереса к стране изучаемого языка; - развивать умение работы в группе, толерантность; - развивать навыки восприятия иноязычной речи на слух. воспитание положительного и толерантного отношения к культуре страны изучаемого языка. Формы работы на уроке: индивидуальная, парная и групповая Оборудование урока: 1.Презентация Power Point;интерактивная доска Ход и содержание урока I.Geeting : Good morning, dear teachers and students, boys and girls! Welcome, our dear guests! Glad to see you. II. Warming up: To begin with look at this poem, read it, find and underline all nouns: (слайд #1) So many countries all over the world, So many people life-tales told! Different cities, languages, poems, Amazing traditions, legends, stories. We travel East, we travel West To know so much is best, If South is warm, North is cold, We start our trip and off we go! (Учащиеся выполняют задание на интерактивной доске)
T- What is the key-word? (A trip) Why? So we are going to have a trip
to Great Britain. The theme of the lesson "Welcome to Great Britain”
(Geographical outlook). (слайд #2) (Содержит тему урока). We
are going to review the geographical outlook of the UK, to get more
facts about it, to practice reading, speaking, listening skills. III. Revision: Try to remember everything we have learnt * Задание №1 First of all, name all English-speaking countries. What are they? Where are they? (слайд #3)
* Задание №2Do you know geographical names? How can we use the articles
with them? Fill in the articles where necessary and match the
definitions (cлайд #4) (Учащиеся выполняют задание на интерактивной доске ( задание match and drop ) * Задание №3 What do you know about GB? The official name, its position, its countries. (cлайд #5) *Name its capitals, people and languages (cлайд #6) * Tell us about the their geographical position (cлайд #7) *The population of the countries (cлайд #8) *The national flag of the UK (cлайд #9) IV. Reading and Speaking
T – You are divided into 2 groups. We are going to read the texts and
to get more information about Great Britain. Before reading let’s read
new words for understanding. (cлайд # 10) T- Gr 1- Read your text about the climate and the weather in GB and complete the sentences (закладка с текстом для 1 группы) T- Gr 2-Read the text about the flowers and match them with the countries. (Закладка с текстом для 2 группы задание match ) V. Group 1- Complete the sentences. ( на закладке предложения для контроля понимания) 1. The climate in Britain is usually described as...(mild, humid and changeable) 2. The English say that they have ... kinds of weather: 3. It often rains so heavily that people say "..." (It rains cats and dogs) Group 2- Read the text about plants. Match the flowers and the countries. (cлайд # 11 задание на интерактивной доске ) Match the names of the countries with their emblems: 1. England a) shamrock 2. Scotland b) rose 3. Wales c) thistle 4. Northern Ireland d) daffodil Group 1-2- * Read the sentences and say TRUE or FALSE- 1. The UK is a land of big forests. 2. The animal life is much like that of Europe. 3. 100 kinds of birds live in the UK. 4. Wildlife in the UK is not in danger.
T- You know a lot of information about the UK and the Queen of the
country wants to say you some words. Read the sentences in the Reported
Speech and tell us what she says. (слайд №12 ) VII. Reflexion (
Cлайд № 13 Рефлексия содержания учебного материала. Обсуждение того, что
ребята узнали нового и что научились делать. Now I know: • about the UK • about … Now I can: • talk about the UK; • talk about different countries and their capitals. * talk about … VII. Home task (разноуровневые задания) ПРИЛОЖЕНИЕ № 1 CLIMATE, WEATHER, WILDLIFE Generally- обычно the Gulf Stream — Гольфстрим. Humid [ hju: mid] - влажный It’s raining cats and dogs -- Дождь льет как из ведра. Wet - влажный Leek - лук- порей Oak [ uk]- дуб Elm [elm] - вяз Beech - бук Pine — сосна Deer [ di ]
The climate in the UK is generally mild because of the Gulf Stream. The
climate in Britain is usually described as cool, humid and changeable.
The weather is so changeable that the English often say that they have
no climate but only weather. One day may be fine and the next day may be
.The morning may be warm and the evening may be cool. The English
also say that they have three kinds of weather: when it rains in the
morning, when it rains in the afternoon or when it rains all day long.
It often rains so heavily that people say "It’s raining cats and dogs”. The weather is not too hot in summer or too cold in winter. Winters are very mild.
This humid and mild climate is good for plants. Trees and flowers begin
to blossom early in spring. So Great Britain is a green country.
Some of them have become the symbols in the UK. You may know that poppy
is the symbol of peace, the red rose is the national emblem of England;
the thistle is the national emblem of Scotland. The daffodil and the
leek are the emblems of Wales and the shamrock is the emblem Ireland. The UK used to be a land of big forests, mainly oak, elm and beech in England, pine — in Scotland.
The animal life of the UK is much like that of Europe, to which it was
joined. Many animals are now protected. About 50 land animals are found
in the UK: foxes, hares, rabbits, and deer, among them. ПРИЛОЖЕНИЕ № 2 Домашнее задание. 1 уровень Выбери правильные предложения и переведи их: 1. The full name of the country is The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland ( The UK). 2 .The UK consists of 3 parts – England, Scotland, and Wales. 3. The UK consists of 4 parts – England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland. 4. The capital of England is Liverpool. 5. The capital of England is London. 2 уровень Закончи предложения: 1. The full name of the country is___________________________________________. 2. The UK consists of -____ parts. They are __________________________________. 3. The capital of the UK is ________________________________________________. 4. The largest cities of the UK are___________________________________________. 5. The national emblem of England is________________________________________. 6. The national emblem of Scotland is _______________________________________. 7. The national emblem of Wales is _________________________________________. 8. The national emblem of Northern Ireland is _________________________________. 9. London is situated on the bank of the river __________________________________. 10. The official head of the UK is ____________________________________________. 3 уровень Используя материал, полученный на уроке, составь рассказ о странах Великобритании.