Изучение иностранных языков становится все более
популярным в России. Почему люди в
нашей стране изучают иностранные языки?
is the means of communication. The most common way of expressing an idea for
people is to say it out loud. Language enables people to understand each other.
At the same moment language can be a major barrier to understanding because
there are thousands of different languages on our planet. From the earliest
time, with the development of trade and exchange of ideas and techniques people
saw the necessity of learning foreign languages. Egyptian pharaohs had scribes
and interpreters at their disposal.
language that is used as a means of communication by people of different
nations is called international. International language helps people of
different nations to understand each other. Different epochs had different
international languages. As a rule the existence of the language as an
international one is determined by political, cultural and economic development
of the country which language is spoken as international.
language is not the phenomenon of our age only. The first international
language appeared on the Earth with the birth of civilisation. The Biblical
myth about the mixture of languages during the construction of the Babylon
Tower, when the people lost their universal language and thus could not
communicate, was a reflection of how dearly the people of ancient periods held
the gift of speech and understanding. Ever since those times the foreign
languages and people who knew them played a significant part in the development
of international relations and trade of different countries.
first international language that we know about was the language of the
Phoenicians. The Phoenicians were a nation of industrious merchants and brave
seafarers who settled originally on the territory of the Lebanon. Their trading
ships travelled across the Mediterranean, they often appeared in Egypt, Italy,
and Greece, they voyaged across the Indian and Atlantic oceans. They were the
first to round the Cape of Good Hope, the southernmost point of Africa. The
Phoenicians were the first to create the alphabet, that later was borrowed by
the Greeks. It is not surprising in this context that Phoenician was the
international language for many centuries.
Greek language replaced Phoenician as a means of international communication.
After the military expeditions of Alexander of Macedonia the Greek language won
recognition all over Asia. The Greek culture and language were imposed in all
Hellenistic centres and states, including Egypt, Syria and Persia. The Romans
went a little further. The Roman legionary marched to the ends of the earth
carrying Latin, their language, with the help of their orators and philosophers
to Europe, Asia, and Africa. From that time on the role of languages in the
historical development of humanity has increased. Latin survived the collapse
of the Roman Empire. Until the establishment of national states, new national
languages that originated from Latin (French, Spanish, and Italian) were still
emerging. In such circumstances although the native speakers of Latin were
gone, it was a universal language of Mediaeval Europe for fifteen centuries. In
Europe Latin was used for the serious business of government, diplomacy, and
philosophy. A person who did not know Latin was unable to become educated
because Latin was also the language of the Universities. In the Middle Ages
students and professors travelled from one country to another, from one
University to another, and nowhere they had any difficulties in understanding
their colleagues and friends as all lectures were delivered in Latin.
with the emergence of national states and development of national languages the
need to learn foreign languages became especially acute. Besides classical
languages modern languages were introduced in the list of school studies.
Educated people of Europe were to know several modern languages. For example,
Rubens, the greatest painter of the Western civilisation who lived in Flanders
in the 17-th century, spoke and wrote six modern languages.
should be said that not all the languages had equal importance in different
centuries in the world. Preference was given to that one which country was more
powerful at that time. In the 15-th and 16-th centuries Spain was in the
vanguard of European and world expansion and the Spanish language could be
heard in the far reaches of our planet. French became the dominant language of
the Western world in the 17-th and 19-th centuries. In the 19-th century French
was the official language of our country. Since childhood Russian aristocrats
were learning French. For example, Pushkin wrote his first poem in French.
Russian was spoken only by common people.
In the
first half of the 20-th century, during the period between two World Wars,
English started gradually to replace French as the international language.
Moreover, in the second half of the 20-th century the United States became the
world's dominant power. The USA had enormous political, economic and cultural
influence on the Western world.
It is
interesting to note that before English emerged from lots of dialects, French
had been the language of the English court and of the educated classes for
three centuries since the Norman conquest. It was Chaucer who chose English for
his book «Canterbury Tales» and thereby helped decide the language in which
England's literature would be written in centuries to come. In the 16-th
century Shakespeare used over 29,000 English words, many invented by himself.
Germanic in origin English has words come from other sources, the result is an
astonishingly wide vocabulary acquired quite early in its history. Now English
is the language of unparalleled richness, subtlety and variety, which unlocks
the treasures of the literature second to none in the world.
transition from French to English as the international language was relatively easy
because in many countries of the world people already knew English by that
time. The British Empire brought English not only in the North America, but in
the Australia, Africa, and India as well. The leadership of English in the
modern world can be explained by numerous factors. Over 300 million people who
live in Great Britain, Australia, New Zealand and the United States of America
speak English is as a native tongue. English is one of the official languages
in the Irish Republic, Canada, the South African Republic. It is also the
second official language used in the former British and U.S. colonies. English
is one of the official languages of the United Nations Organisation and other
political organisations. It is the language of literature, education, modern
music, international tourism.
dominance of English in the contemporary world is explained by the appearance
of lots of people who want to learn English not for pleasure or prestige but
because English has become the key to international scientific, technological
and commercial innovations of today.
the reason for learning any foreign language was not well defined. Knowledge of
foreign languages was regarded as a sign of a well-rounded education, but few
had really questioned why it was necessary. The problem of learning languages
is very important today, Foreign languages are socially demanded especially at
the present time when the progress in science and technology has led to an
explosion of knowledge. The total knowledge of mankind doubles every seven
years. English is needed as the main and the most efficient means of
information exchange. With the acceptance of English as the international
language of technology and commerce appears a new generation of people who know
why they are learning the language. Scientists and scholars need it to keep up
with developments in their fields. Many students need English because their
course of studies includes textbooks avail able only in English. Young people
around the world need English in order to be able to use the Internet,
communicate with their partners in other countries, understand films and songs.
there is no universal or ideal method of learning languages. Everybody has his
own way. Sometimes it is boring to study grammar or learn new words. But it is
well known that reading books in the original, listening to the BBC news,
communicating with native speakers will help a lot. When learning a foreign
language one learns the culture and history of the native speakers. One must
work hard to learn any foreign language.
do children start learning foreign languages in Russia?
depends on the parents. Some children start to learn foreign languages very
early, in kindergartens for example. They are taught ABC English there: they
sing songs, recite nursery rhymes and learn to construct some phrases. Others
start learning languages at school. At some specialised schools foreign
languages are taught from the second to the eleventh class. But generally
pupils learn foreign languages from the fifth to the eleventh class.
foreign languages included in entrance exams?
Universities include foreign languages in entrance exams. Students who
specialise in humanities, such as History, Sociology, and Philosophy need to
know foreign languages for their professional career.
do people learn foreign languages in Russia?
is integrating into the world community and the problem of learning English for
the purpose of communication is especially urgent today. In Russia people learn
English to be able to exchange the latest information concerning science,
technology and commerce with their colleagues; to be able to read foreign
newspapers and books. Learning foreign languages is especially popular among
young people. For them English is a way of exploring a completely new world. A
person who travels a lot also needs English. Even in the countries where
English is not an official language people will generally be able to understand
how many countries is English the official language?
is the official language of some thirty states which represent different
cultures. Many countries, which have more than one official language have
English among other official languages.
is a distinguishing feature of English?
belongs to a group of Germanic languages. Thus German is relatively close to
English. At the same time England had numerous contacts with France, so French
had tremendous influence on English. Today a person who knows both English and
French will easily find numerous similarities in these languages. Those who
already know English will have less difficulties learning French.
English an easy language to learn?
Yes, it
is. Basically English is an easier language to learn than almost any other
language. Its grammar is not difficult at all.
do you think is the most difficult about English?
richness of the vocabulary makes English a difficult language. Moreover,
spelling and pronunciation make trouble. An other thing is that Russian and
English are very different. It is not easy for a Russian to learn how to use
definite and indefinite articles properly because there are no articles in
Russian. In this context it should be said that the Germans and the French have
less difficulties with English.
are foreign languages important for specialists?
should know foreign languages to communicate with their colleagues at the
conferences, through books and journals or the Internet. Today it is not enough
for a professional to know only one foreign language. That is why many young
people who begin to think about their future early start learning several
languages. For Russian specialists it is good to know not only English, but
German and French as well. Undoubtedly, English is number one language that
specialists should learn.
kind of foreign language do specialists have to know?
have to know that kind of English which will help them to solve their
professional problems. They need English for specific purposes. It has been
established that there are important differences between, say, the English of
commerce and that of engineering. That is why a great deal of English courses
for specific groups of learners have been developed. The discovery that
language varies from one situation of use to another allowed to determine the
features of the specific situations making them the basis of the learners
course. Today specialist of different branches of sciences and professionals
can learn English for their specific purposes. Nowadays there are English
courses for Biology, Geography, Law, History, Mathematics, Medicine, Economy,
and other sciences.