В категории материалов: 89 Показано материалов: 71-89
При сопоставлении лексики русского и французского языков можно обнаружить пробелы, белые пятна в семантике одного из языков. Эти пробелы называются лексическими лакунами и появляются в результате отсутствия эквивалента в виде слова слову другого языка. |
The topic I am going to speak about is London. From the geography lessons you know that East meets West in the Greenwich meridian. It is in London. |
Northern Ireland is at its nearest point only 21km (13 miles) from Scotland. It has 488-km (303-mile) border in the south and vest with the Irish Republic. At its centre lies Lough Neagh, Britain’s largest freshwater lake (381sq km, 147sq miles). Many of the principal towns lie in valleys leading from the Lough, including the capital, Belfast, which stands at the mouth of the river Lagan. |
Повышение речевой эрудиции один из основных путей формирования хорошего лектора. Им невозможно стать, не овладев основами риторики науки об убедительной и оптимальной речи. Всякая наука имеет свою историю, без знания которой бесполезно рассчитывать на успех, тем более в таком сложном деле как ораторское и искусство. |
Каждому функциональному стилю свойственны свои особенности синтаксических построений, свои типичные конструкции, которые вводятся в художественное произведение и взаимодействуют в нем со специальным стилистическим эффектом. |
There are so many wonders of the world. But all of them are different in their nature. In the Ancient times there were seven wonders of the world: the Pyramids of Egypt, the Hanging Gardens of Babylon, the Statue of Zeus, the Temple of Artemis, the Mausoleum of Halicarnassus, the Pharos of Alexandria, the Colossus of Rhodes. |
No one knows exactly when people first found the land that would be called Alaska. Some anthropologists believe that people migrated from Asia to North America as long as 40,000 years ago. Others argue it was as recent as 15,000 years ago. |
Cinema is one of the most important means of entertainment and propaganda. It is an ideological instrument of the political party at power in a country. Cinema is a mirror reflection of the county rulers and their policy. |
The State System of any nation is not an artificial creation of some genius or simply the embodiment of different rational schemes. It is nothing else but a work of many centuries, a product of a national spirit, a political mentality and the consciousness of people. |
Toronto, Ontario, has become Canada's best-known city. Once saddled with a reputation stodginess, it has been reborn and revitalized and now stands as one of North America's leaders at the arts, entertainment, and business. |
While it would be an overstatement to suggest that the average American has a clear concept of meaning of federalism in 1994, there is some evidence than issues, involving locus of governmental power are important to many. For example, polling organizations frequently ask citizens - which level of government most enjoys their trust and confidence. |
New York attract peopl from all over. Get on a subway in New York and look at the newspapers that peopl around you are reading. One person is reading a newspaper in Spanish, anouther in Chinese, yet others in Arabic, Russian, Italian, Yiddish, and French. New York was always a city of immigrants. It still is ... |
People on our planet can’t live without travel now. Tourism has become a highly developed business. There are express trains, cars and jet-air liners all of that provide you with comfort and security. What choose to make? It’s up to you to decide. |
One of sensations presently is the supercomputer. They can look as a small case, or a curbstone near a table. Business and its requirements for calculations grow, together with it the supercomputer develops also. |
The design and management of reward systems present the general manager with one of the most difficult HRM tasks. This HRM policy area contains the greatest contradictions between the promise of theory and the reality of implementation. Consequently, organizations sometimes go through cycles of innovation and hope as reward systems are developed, followed by disillusionment as these reward systems fail to deliver. |
Nuclear energy was discovered in the process of creating the atomic bomb. After scientists conducted more experiments, they found that nuclear power was a clean and efficient way to produce energy. "The first nuclear reactor was created on December 2, 1942, at the University of Chicago by Enrico Fermi.” (Editors of Scientific America, 1995). |
Johann Woifgang von Goethe wurde am 28. Aufgust 1749 in Frankfurt am Main in einer wohlhabenden burgerlichen Familie geboren. Sein Vater war Jurist und kaiserlicher Rat, die um zwanzig Jahre jugere Mutter - Toch-ter des Burgermeisters von Frankfurt. |
As says Peter Newmark in his "Textbook of Translation” - "grammar is the skeleton of a text.” (P. Newmark, 1995, "A Textbook of Translation”, p.125), because it gives general facts about a text: statements, questions, comments, reasons, etc. |
The official name of Nigeria is Federal Republic of Nigeria. The capital city is Abuja. The nigerian government is federal republic, independent since 1960. The civilian constitution of the Second Republic, with a US-style president, senate and house of representatives, was suspended when the military took over on December 31, 1983. |