В категории материалов: 89 Показано материалов: 1-35
Каждый, кто изучал немецкий язык, знает, насколько трудно
усваиваются такие грамматические явления, как употребление артиклей, спряжение
глаголов, употребление временных форм глагола и т.д. Но в общении, в художественной
литературе важны еще эмоции. |
 It is
nice to have a chance to relax: to go to the theatre, to the cinema, but the
greatest pleasure for me is to visit museums and exhibitions. There
are many talented artists and painters in Khalmykia. Expositions are often held
in pavilions and salons. I have
just visited the exhibitions of Yevgeny Khakhulin. He is a painter and a great
master of applied arts. |
Wenn ein Russe heutzutage
Deutschland kennen lernt, entdeckt er gewisse Ähnlichkeiten – wesentlich mehr,
als wenn er etwa England oder China besucht. Besonders fallen ihm viele
Sprachähnlichkeiten auf, sei es in Form ähnlicher Wörter (Kaserne,
Feldmarschall, Zirkel, Butterbrot, u.a.) und Ausdrücke (Schwarz und Weiß, die
Uhr stellen, u.a.), oder in Form von Redensarten... |
We live in a very interesting
period of time. The previous XXth century was a century of global
international social experiments: society, divided into nations, endured two
World Wars, created a weapon of mass destruction, having brought an idea of
international difference to the absurdity. |
Тhere is no general
agreement about the term culture, its
meaning, and conformity of its use. It has given rise to a lot of debate in the
literature. There exist hundreds of definitions of the term ‘culture’. Being
polysemeous, the term ‘culture’ is added to the controversy of its definition:
it may be used to denote biological, archeological, historical, geographical,
ethnographic, sociological, and fine arts issues. |
None of the historical periods was the subject of so many discussions and
contrary opinions as the history of the Middle Ages. The main question was:
what the Middle Ages are like , whether they left a dark or a light track.. What they gave the
humanity and what they deprived us of, or perhaps they took more than gave. |
It was 1066, and Edward,
King of England, was dead. He had no children. The most important people in the
country met to choose a new king. They chose Harold. Harold wasn’t a blood
relative of King Edward, but he was the Queen’s brother. |
сопровождает нас всю жизнь. Он входит в наше сознание с самого детства. Позже
происходит открытие своего Пушкина. Мир поэта громаден. Все было предметом его
поэзии. |
Joshua Reynolds (1723 –
1792) replaced William Hogarth as the dominant painter in the second
half of
the 18th century. He was born in Devonshire on July 16, 1723,
was educated by his father, a clergyman and the master of the free
school in the place. He wanted his son to be a doctor, but the boy
wanted to
paint very much. |
 We read folk tales from
our childhood. It is the body of expressive
culture, including oral history, proverbs, jokes,
popular beliefs, and customs. Folktales are general term for different
varieties of traditional narrative. The telling of stories appears to be
cultural universal, common to basic and complex societies alikе. |
 R. L. S…. Robert Louis
Stevenson (1850-1894), whose novels are gripping tales with atmosphere,
character and action, is best known for his books "Treasure Islands”
(1883), "Kidnapped” (1886), "Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde”
and "The Master Ballantrae” (1889). |
Symbolism was a
literary movement of nineteenth-century France.
In the art and literature
of the late nineteenth century, symbolism took on special significance. A
of French artists and poets promoted the use of symbols to achieve
and complexity in their work, a technique that sometimes approached
The verses help us memorize
words and study a foreign language better, if they are translated in
manner and preserve the freshness of the poet’s style. If the original
can gain a correct impression about the author’s skill. |
From the very beginning
of my speech I’d like to pay your attention to the question under
To tell you the secret I’m fond of reading & I prefer fantasy so
much that
all the adventures of an English boy Harry Potter by name, the main
of Joan Rowling’s novel, absorbed me completelу. |
summer the last book in Harry Potter series and the fifth film
about adventures of the Boy-Who-Lived were released. It exited people a
gave rise to uncountable articles in press. It was very interesting
for us, too, because we are keen on literature, its
past and its future. So we decided to take the phenomenon of books about
Potter as an object of our work. |
 To write an essay
one should think over all the details, and, of course, at the beginning
of any
work, especially analytic one, one should definitely know the purpose of
work. |
Books are
different – they are fiction, non fiction, science fiction,
biographies, detectives or spy stories, historic books. Some people read
reference books – encyclopedias, dictionaries, almanacs, maps,
(newspapers and magazines), essays and so on. |
novel "A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court” by Mark Twain was
in 1889. It is the tale of a commonsensical Yankee who is carried back
in time of
in the Dark Ages and it celebrates homespun in gentility and democratic
in a contrast to the superstitious interpitude of feudal monarchy. Twain
it after reading Sir Thomas Mallory’s "Morte d’Arthur". |
 Frank Lampard is an English
football player at Chelsea.
His playing position is midfielder,
his number is 8. His full name is Frank James Lampard, Junior because
father is also Frank James Lampard but Senior. He was born on the 20th
of June, 1978 in
London, England. His father is the
former England full
back and two-time FA Cup winner with West Ham United. |
 Объективной потребностью современного общества, особенно в условиях перестройки всех его звеньев, в том числе и образования, является поиск оптимальных путей организации учебно-воспитательного процесса рациональных вариантов содержания обучения (СО) и его структуры. |
Napoleon Bonaparte naquit à Ajaccio (ile de Corse), le 15 août 1769, de Charles Bonaparte et de Laetitia Ramolino. La messe à cause de la solennité du jour; elle fut obligée de revenir en toute hàte, ne put atteindre sa chambre à coucher, et déposa son enfant sur un de ces vieux tapis antiques, à grandes figures de ces héros de la Fable on de i’Iliade peut-être: c’était Napoléon. |
The subject matter of the course paper is the role of lexics and semantics in the case of business letter correspondence. The question of the history of official communication, the main stages of business transactions, the role of person’s feeling for the proper use of phrases as well as his knowledge of grammar are highlighted. |
There is no denying the fact that not so long ago Ukraine had very weak connections with other countries in the world. But at present the situation has changed for the better. Ukraine establishes new relations with the countries throughout the world. Ukraine is one of the members of the United Nations Organisation and participates in the work of many international organisations. |
We live in Usinsk. It’s a small town with the population of about 60 thousand people situated near the river Usa in the north-east of the Komi Republic. Usinsk is young it was founded in 1975. It is a multinational town, the people of many nationalities live here - the Russians, the Ukranians, the Tatars, the Komis, the Bashkirs and so on. |
The aim of this work is to show our ability to work with different Microsoft applications & to produce the data exchange between them, using build-in commands, OLE instruments & other possible facilities. |
Great Britain is a monarchy, but the power of the King or Queen is limited. The supreme authority of the country is Parliament, which consists of three etements-the Monarchy, the House of Lords and the House of Commons. |
Ukraine is a wondrous land of spectacular scenic beauty, a land of shady woods and rolling hills, glittering lakes and deep blue seas, soaring mountains and tranquil estuaries. |
I think, every person always dreams about the place where he can speak about his problems, chat with close friends, where he can feel happy and quiet. For me it is my family and my home. It is the best place in the world and my dearest people live here. |
Soviet invasion in Afghanistan started in December 1979, when the first military troops crossed the Afghan border. Only at the time of ‘perestroyka’, in the year 1988, Gorbachov, the leader of Politburo - start the process of withdrawing military troops from the territory of Afghanistan. |
The climate of Great Britain varies considerably depending upon the time of year and the area. Great Britain includes four different countries: England in the sought, Wales to the west of England, Northern Ireland off the western coast of Wales and also Scotland in the north. |
The Constitution outlines the structure of the national government and specifies its powers and duties. Under the Constitution the powers of the government are divided into three branches - the legislative which consists of the Verhovna Rada, the executive, headed by the President, and the judicial, which is led by the Supreme Court. |
Great Britain is famous for its old traditions. Some of them existed in ancient times and survived through centuries. Some of them appeared when Christianity came to British isles. Speaking about religious holidays one can’t but mention Easter, Pancake Day and Mother’s Day. |
Raw Materials - A natural of semifinished god that is used in manufacturing or processing to make some other good. Bauxite is the raw materials (ore) from which aluminum is made; aluminum is turn can be the raw material from which household utensils are manufactured. |
Weather is a thing that worries everybody. When people meet they like to talk about today’s weather and the weather forecast for the next day. Many our decisions and plans depend upon weather. In accordance with weather we often plan our weekends. |
Nowadays when our independent state Ukraine is developing, much attention is paid for our youth because we are the future of our country. |